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(1)This is Thor, the twin brother of Princess Lenneth. He is an important supporting role in the new game“Fallen Valkyrle”, deeply in love with Lenneth, sometimes dressed as her. He will be main attacker in the Incest Line, and will fall with Lenneth in the NTR Line (cursed to be a TF girl).


(2)The new game  “Fallen Valkyrle” is divided into 2 parts: Main story, Branch story. There are 3 lines in Main story (NTR Line, Lesbian Line, normal Line). Branch story have their own characteristics including different H-plots.


(3)The protagonist is Valkyrie Princess Lenneth(and her mother Queen  Lilim).  We arrange Thor's supporting role to make the story more interesting and satisfy the players who like this. Players who don't like him can avoid his events.

主人公是女武神公主蕾娜絲(以及她母后莉莉姆王妃)。 我們安排托爾這個配角是為了讓故事更有趣並且滿足喜歡這一口的玩家。不喜歡他的玩家可以迴避他的事件。

(4) The crowdfunding of the new game will begin after the official release of initial trial version (Prelude). We will prepare the English translation version.

新作眾籌活動將在最初試玩版(序幕)正式對外發佈之後開始。 我們會準備好英語版本。

Our original plan to release the initial trial version (Prelude) in the early 2020.  But due to the serious impact of  COVID-19 epidemic, we had to postpone to the late 2020. It's also for ensure we can update the following versions in time when the crowdfunding start.



Finally, the new game is jointly developed by my partner wolfzq and I. We have absorbed the advantages of "SOD" and "Curse Armor 2", improved the shortcomings of the previous work, and added new ideas (including the new story and system).


Please wait patiently for the new game, we do our best . Thank you for your support.




Crash Bandicoot

Language barriers :P ? Maybe with trap he was talking about the princess brother? Usually crossdressing characters in anime are called Traps, like Astolfo <3


Well, I misunderstood. I'm sorry.