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This was a cringy one lol.



John Dawber

Land Development Agency (LDA)

Rich Moyse

Just about to sit and eat my tea and watch this belter 😂😁


That was followed by a medley of wock and woll 🤣🤣

John Dawber

Oops, it's Low Demand Accommodation. My bad!

tricky D77

The green thing on the bar is drip tray catches all the spillages


You don’t have those trays in bars over there? They’ve got holes in the top, when the bartender has poured your beer they put it on top of that, catches any beer/foam running over the top and down the glass, saves a lot of cleaning https://www.drinkstuff.com/productimg/71302_large.jpg

Martin Nercessian

My sister once told me that when she worked in a bar in the early 90's they would sometimes top up the pints from the drip tray 😬

Ash Jeffries

Great episode! I agree with you, KB - as funny as Tony is with his "pwoblem", I find both Raquel and Tony a bit cwingey. Raquel can just about hold a note but she's no singer, really! 🙃 (Controversial?) 🙈

Z is for Zed

You think Brits normally sound like Jonathan? Wacist.


Oh that’s what it is. I was thinking it was a board game lol. We have bar mats here which are probably similar but they are usually black and made of rubber.

Manly Stump

The inability to pronounce R's is, rather cruelly, called rhotacism.

Geraint Harrison

These later episodes do have a weird delay in the title sequence, happens on my grandads VHS copies too so nothing to do with your computer mate.

Mr Robot

It’s a Heineken plastic tray I’d say it’s for any spillage. Don’t know lda probably low something accommodation

Jason Bonner

The next time you hear Jonathan Woss you'll recognise his impediment.

Gem Lou

Yep I was guilty of that in the 90s... the landlord made us empty them into a bucket

Jaxon's Jerseys

https://youtu.be/sE02k51Ad18?si=bucJrcrZZY9aLNiR. Phillip Pope who played Tony has performed the song since, he's still got it, - it's a great British thing that characters become cult figures, - same as big mad Andy from peep show who regularly hosts quiz nights etc

Alex Venditti

This episode is such a classic because you just don’t see it coming at all! I’m glad you liked it though because you’d be unlikely to see a joke like this on tv nowadays.

Mr Robot

Welease Woderick Wossu is pond scum. Is there no yanks that can’t pronounce their r’s 😀

Gary Mcatear

Jonathan Woss has been awound for a weally long time, mid 80's.


I love how Raquel is trying to coach him mid-song but it spreads to her instead. Classic little joke. ''cwy-crying!''


Just think how hard it was for the writer to not give his speech impediment away in that first conversation.


We have the black rubber ones here too, the others must be a cultural thing


You can see the actress who plays Raquel laughing a bit at David Jason in this one where he says "crue de tea la platt" near the end.

James Dowling

I’m still so glad you’re enjoying OFAH. It’s comedy gold 😊

David Lyons

Rewatching this makes you appreciate how they really did give Tony dialogue and songs that didn't contain the letter R until the performance! Also, "Et tu, Brute?" is a rare case of Del using a foreign phrase correctly!

Callum Bruce

Jonathan Ross is in one of the later episodes

Jehan Ariyaratnam

"Couldn't you specialise in Bungalows?" is such an underrated line


The green thing on the bar is a drink stand to catch any overflowing foam, protects the bar from sticky patches


Another underrated line is Rodney's "Well they say its quicker by tube", referring to the London Underground of course!

Matt Rumsey

The green thing is what they put the pints on, it catches all the drips and splashes from having a properly full pint ;)

Matt Rumsey

I've got one of those lighters! My great aunt gave it to me!


I remember watching this when it first aired. I've never heard my dad laugh so much. Always got excited when I heard the theme tune coming from the living room. John Sullivan was a one of kind writer.

Joe Thornhill

That's what's always got me about Jonathan Ross. I don't know about his childhood or early career and whether or not he's managed to improve it over the years but it really isn't that bad, only a slight impediment. I still don't know who Roy Jenkins is either.

Steve King

Is Rhoticism (or Whoticism to people who suffer from it) a thing in the US? I can't think of any US people who can't pronounce their R's. But maybe it's just because they'd never make it on TV I haven't seen it. We only really have Jonathan Ross (affectionally named 'Wossy' here in the UK)

Steve King

You didn't notice anything in the first few scenes with Tony because it's a very cleverly written (or witten) episode. Tony doesn't have any words that contain a hard "R" until the the song. You'll appreciate how great the script is when you watch it back


I was I a Chinese restaurant in Spain about 15 years ago. They where doing karaoke and a Chinese waiter got up and sang Hello in a strong Chinese accent. Funniest thing I've ever seen live... poor bloke


It's been so long since I last saw this episode that I forgot the reason for him only being able to sing a few songs haha.

Sam Dilks

Someone said about this episode, that it perfectly sums up difference between US and British comedy. In US, they’d want to show off the pay off (of Tony’s true singing voice) straightaway and milk it for as long as possible… whereas here in a British comedy, John Sullivan the writer, makes you unsuspectingly wait and wait and wait for the big pay off exactly at the perfect time. It’s one of the best written comedy episodes of any show ever - so well baited and then delivered

Adi Hughes

This is a great episode to watch the 2nd time round, I was cwying with laughter in anticipation of what's coming up!

Matt Rumsey

I genuinely watched weally carefully at the beginning. They actually scripted him to not say any R's until the song!