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Welcome Boomerites! To King Boomer's Patreon page!  Why did I create this Patreon? Because this is where you will get exclusive reactions and unedited reaction videos that did not make it on the King Boomer YouTube Channel!

Unfortunately I cannot commit to every request. I have an on-call job with hours that vary so it's impossible to commit to a set schedule. So if you have a request, please dm me on Instagram. However, keep in mind that I get around 30-50 reaction requests a day. I'm not bragging, it's just how it is now because of how awesome all of you have been over the past year. The Boomerite community is large and getting larger every day thanks to you!


The vast majority of people I've interacted with online that follow the YouTube channel or subbed to this Patreon have been fantastic. But no matter where you are, you always run into some wackadoodles. So below I will post some guidelines to follow...

  1. Be Respectful - It kills me to see when Patrons start attacking each other. Arguments are good and fun but please keep it civil.
  2. No Spamming Requests on Multiple Videos - I do what I can when I can do it when it comes to uploading. But spamming requests doesn't make me want to do a specific reaction any faster. In fact, sometimes it has the opposite effect.
  3. Do Not Ask Me To Change The Prices Or Send You Reaction Videos Personally - Unfortunately this has happened dozens of times. The answer is an emphatic NO. Everyone else signed up for the same tiers so why should you get special treatment?
  4. INSTABANS! - Two things will get you banned in an instant. The first one is calling me a scammer. I never forced anyone to sign up to my Patreon. People signed up on their own. The second one is promoting wild conspiracy theories pertaining to how I run my channels. How do I run my channel? I do what I can... When I can... Just because someone signed up to my Patreon (on their own and not by force) doesn't mean they can trash me whenever they want to on here. If I gave you 3 or 5 dollars a month would you let me crap on your dining room table? Probably not, and if you would, you need to be evaluated for unstable muppetism.

It sucks posting these but with the experiences I've had over the past year or so, it needs to be written down for some people.

Anyways, you are free to come and go as you please. The King of Muppets is happy that you are here and hopes you stick around! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT BOOMERITES!!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!!


Jehan Ariyaratnam

KB I have to applaud you for what you do, so many shows and for a busy guy with a wife and a baby expected, I have no idea how you do it! I really appreciate what you do, watching your reactions gives me a shining light in my miserable life and gets me through all the stresses I have from work and something to look forward to. I grew up in Kent England, (and now live in Australia), but for that reason shows like OFAH, inbetweeners, Fawlty towers are very close to my heart. I've also got into peep show recently because of your reactions. Once again love what you do and really appreciate it mate.

Tam Wright

Love the channel and all but I do think you’re a bit of a muppet for creating this channel and not giving yourself the title of God Boomer, you downgraded and chose King instead. In America, you can sell fast food burgers and you’re considered king! 🍔👑

Billy Rockets

Will agree to all of your demands, just as long as you stop cracking your f*@!ing knuckles!!!!!1!!! There's no need for it and you'll end up with manky disfigured wank hands. So stop it!

Daniel Heywood

As a Patreoni, I demand you do whatever the hell you want!

Jamie Keira

Glad to be here King, love from a Scotsman living in Australia 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇦🇺✌️