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Now I want a banana...



Mike Doel

KB No red dwarf since the 1st July but 2 episodes of a lot of others, Red Dwarf please


Likewise, I grew up on WWF. I lost interest when they started caring about selling merch more than entertainment, and made it basically a kid's show. Kane was my favourite, and the undertaker, the rock, Austin. Those were the days. Mankind getting thrown off the cage was one of the most amazing things I've seen.


I wonder if the "waterboy" in the show is named after the uk slang water boy !? see Discarda water boy for a definition :) love the show

Aaron Close

You should watch Trollied King Boomer, it has Stylax (Joel fry) In it and is a comedy set in a British version of WalMart. It is so funny

Ryan Lynch

If we saw you King B beating up a boy in their mid 20s that would be like an older guy beating someone younger. I don't know your age, but judging by how you look, I guess mid 40s, maybe early 50s 😏

Ross stewart

I stopped when Eddie died and Rsy Mysterio milked it for years and years.

Ross stewart

You could at least comment on his reaction before demanding things. He's said already he hated these comments.

Ross stewart

1.21AM about to go to sleep and just noticed this upload, guess I'll be up awhile longer haha

Craig McCulloch

I did once see in a working mens club, 4 or 5 proper 'bingo grannies' pull 2 really mouthy drunk young chav lasses to the ground and really give them a hoofing! It was in a really rough part of the Newcastle area

Chay Davenport

.asu eht ot tnew ohw em ekil kool od uoy tub ,vurb lareneg raw elivic a ekil kool t'nod uoy


I think your Grumio is pretty decent tbf

Martin Nercessian

Lemons are God's gift to humanity you savage! 🍋🍋🍋