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Sophie is back?!?



Adi Hughes

You look cream crackered mate, careful not to burn out. For cultural references: hoovering = vacuuming, twirl = is a type of chocolate bar, Ribena = is a berry fruit drink, McCoys = a type of potato chip... really nice, gonna have to get some in.


For cultural references “cream crackered” = knackered “knackered” = tired


The actor who plays ALAN JOHNSON is in the new Willy Wonka fyi


stab myself with a fork? ... they only have plastic...

R Lawrence

You said Mark instead of Alan at the end

James Pepper

Welcome to the Dobby club

Dean Carter

Don't listen to those muppets. Hoovering is vaccuuming. Hoover is a brand of vaccuum cleaner.

Dean Carter

Apologies for being boring.


We call vacuuming 'hoovering' the same way you guys call a tissue a 'kleenex', Hoover is the most commonly associated brand name.

R Lawrence

Everyone thought wouldn't the truth have been less embarrassing than pissing himself but he didn't want people to know he'd already got with someone especially not Sophie