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Absurdity at its best




No it wasn't the London Eye four lions was filmed in the city of Sheffield and for a small amount of time they had a big ferries wheel in the city centre and its great watching this movie as I'm from Sheffield so I know where all the filming locations are


Can't wait to get home and watch this tonight!!!


The dumb one is the Fonejacker who you've reacted in the past BTW EDIT: Also be careful using the P word as it is used a insult to Pakistans/Indians/etc

Mr Matthews

30 mins in and I've never seen the Queen more lost and confused😂 Our last big terrorist attack in the UK was in Manchester at an Ariana Grande concert and the bomb used was also loaded with nuts, bolts and screws etc and that actually caused the majority of the fatalities rather than the initial blast it's self. Its actually sickeningly intelligent...


sorry KB , watched it for an hour but not my cup of tea.

Mark Jones

Chris Morris is a UK dark humour legend, this is the weakest thing he's ever made but I still rate it and enjoy it, I voted for you to watch it just to enjoy your rection to this style of humour, I hope it's piqued your interest to check out some of his legendary shows like The Day Today, Brass Eye and Jam. Alice was played by Julia Davis who is another UK dark humour legend who's worked many times with Chris Morris in the past and was in another wonderfully dark sitcom called Nighty Night, I hope some of these shows get pencilled onto one your future to watch lists, you'll love them all, I promise!

Pee-Wee Stairmaster

I’m sorry, but no. It’s far from intelligent. The initial blast isn’t supposed to do the damage, only to disperse what’s inside. I can’t believe you just called a psychotic, halfwit terrorist, intelligent!!!!! maybe you’re just dumb. In fact I take that back, YOU'RE JUST DUMB!

Louis Hessey-Antell

Not sure it's the weakest. It's a feature length genius film. The little shorts are also genius, but slightly easier to pull off!

Z is for Zed

This, it's not like the dumbfucks who googled "how to make a nailbomb" invented anything, they're just assembling a tool designed by someone who WAS creative enough to think of it.

Pee-Wee Stairmaster

Yep. I haven’t researched the history but I’m sure the Chinese or Japanese would have invented this way, way way back.


This film is actually quite measured and reserved for a Chris Morris comedy! But there's always a serious point to what he's making. Brass Eye is brutal but also very funny and a perfect take down of sensationalist media reporting.


You’ve watched a few Stewart Lee clips so I think you’d like this clip (Stewart Lee Anti Islamic Stand Up). It’s not actually anti-muslim, it just also takes the piss out of extremist positions on religion and his audiences reaction of it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOb2KQHr7V0

Phil Robinson

State of the comments already - KB, if you're reading, hold tight and keep your arms and legs in the vehicle at all times!

Phil Robinson

@Father Dick Burn - you've totally misread his message, you went on to say that it's not the blast that kills most, but the contents - which is exactly what Mr Matthews said. Now, I wouldn't have used the word "intelligent" myself, as Mr Matthews said, he could have worded that better. But I got what he meant. Only a sick calculating mind would use such a weapon.

Mark Jones

I didn't mean it's weak, just the weakest thing he's made, big difference, everything he does is brilliant, but this seems to be the only thing he's done which divides opinion so much, lots don't think it's very funny.


Yeah they were there was only the Pakistan scene the scene outside Doncaster airport and driving down to London which wasn't filmed in Sheffield

David Hunter

So glad this made the top vote, love this film.

Mr Matthews

You've totally misunderstood my point. Calling something sickeningly intelligent is not them same as calling someone intelligent. One is a compliment the other is not. Einstein was intelligent, Hitler was sickeningly intelligent... there's a difference. You're calling me dumb but you choose to miss a vital word in my point... 99.9% of sickos are intelligent, they just use it in the wrong ways. It's like you're trying to say I love terrorists? Read before you type.

Mr Matthews

Glad someone has a brain round here and you didn't ignore the key word. The idea is intelligent I stand by it, most sick individuals are. The first person who decided on that method must of had some brains, they can still be a sick, twisted, evil bastard and be smart at the same time

Phil Robinson

@Mr Matthews - best to try to @ people in responses, because now no one knows who is replying to who. Patreon is really shit for proper discussion in this way. Anyway, Let's see if Father Dick Burn comes back with anything. (It's Father Dick Byrne, BTW. Whether he feels he's being funny by naming himself "Father Dick Burn" I don't know.


Never even heard of this film so first time watch with you guys!

Steve G

Pretty sure in war there is even rules about not using things like that, geez!


Yeah, people from that region would still find that an insulting due to the racial history of that word used on them. Think of the N word. But I'm not warning him as I think he said it for that reason and personally understand he was just quoting it. More in case he edits it for Youtube to remove it to either avoid any complications from Youtube autoscan or comment section of Youtube as Brian is a good bloke and doesn't deserve it especially as he wouldn't know if that makes sense

Craig McCulloch

the wall jump with the sheep - i screamed out laughing king boomer style 1st time

Craig McCulloch

wow...... this comments section got dark!!

Mr Matthews

You're probably right, I couldn't tell you however there's stipulations that you can blow up dams and bomb civilian buildings. Sadly wars are riddled with war crimes and sick ideas


Do you seriously think they’re speaking Arabic or are you joking, I really hope you’re joking .

David fallows

First time watching this film, heard high hopes for it but it just wasn't that good for me. Some parts were funny but overall the movie is a bit of a let down. I know dead man's shoes isn't a comedy but it is by far better than that.

Matt Camburn

It's like if the chuckle brothers turned into terrorists


Personally one of my favourite films of all time and I think it's one of the finest British films too. It's funny but very sad.

Andy Farmer

King Boomer nah it isn't London it's Sheffield. I like those occasional shots of Meadowhall shopping centre (building with the green roof every so often)

George Allott

King boomer just a heads up i know you dont really know the meaning of the word (paki) but its a racial slur its up there with the n word id just bleep you saying it out or you might get cancelled 😂

Neal Murdoch

You should try and find the tv shows The Day Today & Brass Eye both made by Chris Morris, the writer & director of the film. He's the best satirist in the last 40 years.


He's probably fine on here, it was in context at least, but yeah not on youtube.


It's amazing the percentage of brits from pakistan compared to in america, no wonder he didn't realise how bad it is to say


I love all the contradictions in this film. The fact these guys aren't really devote practicing Muslims, live fairly western well-off lives, yet claim to be anti-capitalist jihadists. The fact Omar's wife works for the NHS, an institution who's whole purpose is to provide aid for British people while she supports his goal to destroy them. The juxtaposition that Omar treats his wife well while being a Jihadist, while his brother who is peaceful treats women as second class. Basically everyone is contradictory, everyone is flawed. It's funny, it's sad, but above all it's very human, and I think Chris Morris did a fantastic job.


Late to the party on this. I think most of the controversy was from people who hadn't seen the movie. Just the idea of it alone is quite east to paint in a negative light


Finally subbed and spotted this. I love this film. I've seen it so many times. Personally I think it's what we do best; taking the piss out if serious situations. Especially at the time the film was made, there was a lot of threats and attacks in both the US and UK - the 7/7 attacks happened not long before its release. Shame you didn't enjoy it as much as I did, but glad that you tried it.