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This is going to be something...


A few of us gave a trigger warning 😫😆


Bit judgemental. I'm a dog lover, have had dogs 30 yrs. The UK is full of dog lovers, and this is funny shit. Gotta learn to seperate comedy from reality dude.


You know they didn’t actually kill or eat a dog? I think it’s more supposed to be about the absurdity of Jeremy. Love these reactions but I understand if you can’t do it, maybe it’s a gap between the British and American humour.

Leigh Hughes

Good episode. Dog owner myself and I thought it was funny stuff.


I honestly tried lol but for me they played the dog scenario out a little too long. Just my opinion.


I hope you're not been serious about ending Peep Show reactions. If not you'll be pleased to know that's the first and last time an animal dies in the show


C'mon man a bit melodramatic...I have a nice bichon myself but this is fictional show. It was an accident and just to show Jeremy at his lowest. The eating was the ultimate low (and the "high point" of comedic absurdity) if you didn't let the dead dog stuff get you down. Rest assured there is NO MORE killing of beloved animals in any future episodes. You have my guarantee on that so don't worry. It's just more of the same hijinks going forward.

Living in escape

Queen really needs to sit in on the next one. It’s the finale & when you’re both they’re it’s much funnier

Pete Owen

It is possibly Jeremys lowest moment, but that's debatable even still! Dont stop watching, theres so much more from these two nutjobs, and you have to at least finish off the season by doing the finale

Leigh Hughes

If I remember rightly there is an episode of Curb where they eat a dog so it's not just British humour


If it's any consolation, there's no further dog-related episodes in Peep Show, as far as I can recall. Series finale is a belter, also.


It's interesting how humans separate animals as potential pets or as potential food. No one would bat an eyelid if Jeremy was eating roadkill, yet somehow eating a dog is considered bad. Not making a sanctimonious statement as I'm a meat eater, but I just find that side of human nature a bit odd.


Think that’s exactly it. It’s just to show how low Jeremy will go and the fact it ruined mark’s chance of career success


Same . Very little is off limits in fiction


I get that it upset you but I'm not sure why that would make you want to end this show. It's not like its going to be a reaccouring theme or anything Lol. I love my dog, but this is just comic absurdity so try and not take it so seriously dude. If you carry on the show you will see that it would have been silly to end it like this you're missing out on so many genius episodes if you do. Take care King Love the reactions!

Henry Graham

This is definitely Peep Show at its most extreme and I don't think anything else will push your buttons as hard as this. I hope you keep watching and I the Queen joins you for the season finale. It's a brilliant one.


I don’t eat meat because I love animals but this didn’t worry me because it is fiction 😉


Come on dude, I think this is a bit of an overreaction. It’s ok to not like the theme of a particular episode, but to say you might purposefully stop watching a show that you’re clearly really enjoying is a real shame and I think you’ll lose subs if you do. It’s a risky-comedy dude, you’ve gotta leave your hang-ups at the door, it’s not supposed to be taken to heart. Comedy is a broad spectrum, you’ve gotta take it all in the same way, I don’t see you looking so disgusted when your favourite character from the Inbetweeners is constantly putting down women and talking about them in the most vulgar terms, in-fact you find it hilarious. Just scratch this episode from your memory if you’re really that disturbed by it and move on to the next, because trust me there are plenty more episodes you’re gonna love from this show.


Fair enough. But the whole point of it was how absurd and how far Jezza can go. I mean all the great comedy is littered with over the top and "gone too far" absurdity, Monty Python made a living from it, like cows goats chickens etc catapulted over a wall (not real ones that is), No animal lover like myself like the idea of animals being hurt, and thats what makes this type of stuff comedic genius, its not real and it points to the absurdity and horror of it.


In response to your final comment... I wouldn't watch a Disney movie KB, animals die in those all the time. Bambi's Mum and Simba's Dad for a start!


Cleanse your pallette with more Man Down, a lot of instances of Greg Davies being mauled by different animals coming up in future episodes. Maybe a bit of animal revenge on humans will make you feel better.

danny gibson

That was the FUCK Off.....FUCK RIGHT OFF! that I'd been waiting for 😄


Lol I’m not stopping peep show reactions. I will refer you to the intro… “Remember folks, I’m just a muppet in a chair. Don’t take me seriously.”


What a massive over reaction. Risky comedy isn't for everybody and why deprive yourself of something you evidently enjoyed just because the dark humour in this episode wasn't to your taste? This was a perfect example of Jeremy showing that there's no depths he won't sink to if it means he gets his d*ck wet.


I can assure you, Boomer, next to the USA and Brazil, the UK is dog crazy. We love our dogs. It's just we also love absurd humour sometimes. This is deffo the most Peep Show ever pushed it though, lol.

Toby Cutler

Lol, thank god Queen didn't watch this one with you 😅


This is why we're here folks - to see someone else's reaction, and what a reaction it was. Sound was definitely off, low bit rate maybe.

Anthony Mark Taylor

You're all good man, don't stress it. We love ya both ❤️😊


Totally fair enough. Jeremy just tries to escape. No one tried to kill the dog. Also this was the most complained about episode in the show’s history


King keep going please. No more animal stuff will happen

Billy Rockets

That's what I pay my money for :D


I really didn't like this episode when I watched it back in 2007, and I actually stopped watching Peep Show at the end of the season! I wasn't particularly offended by it, but felt like it was a bit too stupid and unrealistic. Since then I've watched and loved all the seasons many, many times. This comment has pretty much zero point to it, but thought I'd share!

Retro Ravi

British dark humor can sometimes be very hardcore. While Jeremy seems unrealistic many of us know a 'Jeremy' growing up in the UK or at least hear sick tales about one.


Just remember it's just comedy, it's British humour at it's finest and no animals were harmed in the making lol there's no more scenes involving animals being ate anyway so I deffo wouldn't stop peep show reactions especially when it had you out your chair last week lol

Sarah Garraway

Thank god, i was so worried i wouldn't get any more peep show haha, it's become my favourite series you're currently reacting to


In this episode you see the two extremes of Jeremy's character, he's capable of genuine kindness and does something quite thoughtful and selfless, and then ruins it by doing something just really, really stupid and selfish. He's like a ten-year-old boy in the body of a 35-year-old man.


I knew a few Jeremys, and a couple of Super Hanses. They're great friends to have until they do something dumb like this and it comes back on you.

Luke Fisher

Will King Boomer dare show this episode to the Queen in future that is the question? 🤣

Z is for Zed

Could this be a cultural thing in general, being less willing to laugh in the face of horrible situations? A lot of American reactors seem more concerned about the paedo jokes we have over here, similar concept.

George Allott

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is my favourite episode I remember when i first watched it i was in tears laughing i didnt even expect anything like that could be aired on tv

Simon Cross

HA HA Really enjoyed KB's increasing disgust as the episode progressed, knowing what was coming I just kept thinking 'you ain't see nothing yet!!'

George Allott

Dont think so plenty of countries around the world view dogs as food i love dogs but i think if i visited a country it was normalised to eat dog meat I think id probably give it a try


Based on your past reactions and how you talk about your dogs, I knew you'd hate this. The first time I ever saw this episode of Peep Show was a few days after one of my dogs had died, and I found it upsetting at the time. Dogs are totally my Achilles heel too. I know it's 'not real', but it's sometimes very difficult to not put yourself in the position of the character who has lost their pet when you have vivid memories of how awful it feels. That said, I'm so glad Queen Boomer didn't join you on this reaction, especially since she's been unwell. I don't think there are any further animal deaths in Peep Show from here on out though, so you're safe to continue. However, Friday Night Dinner S5E6 may be a tough watch for you.


Considering we pride ourselves on being a nation of dog lovers, our comedy writers sure do seem to like killing off dogs!


Don't show Queen B this episode for the love of God!


crowded in here now

Tris Outlaw

Agreed I never realised anyone would have such a negative reaction to it, it's too ridiculous to feel real to me.

Tris Outlaw

it's one of the top 5 rated episodes of the show on IMDB - don't think most people felt that negatively towards it


The King needs to watch a classic UK animated movie called 'Watership Down', where absolutely no animals are harmed and is full of fluffy bunnies!


What caused episode 3 to be blocked haha what was so bad?


Hah, you can't end it here - especially with the next episode to come!


I’ve got to say I find the episode with ‘gunny’ a bit OTT 😂 love this show no matter what though


It's not real dude. Very unlikely to happen again in the same show.


Absolutely. Possibly my favourite episode ever. “Need time to think. How can I buy some time? Contract TB? But where from? No badgers!”


American humour is very 1 dimensional/literal. I.E they look at Jeremey eating the dog and assume that's the joke but its not. The humour is like you said the extreme lengths Jezza will go just to get laid.


Considering I love reptiles, especially snakes, and you watched Top Gear eat a real snake, and you, a real person, said you'd probably try it, just because you hate them, I find it hard to feel sorry for you watching a fictional character eat a fictional dog, that was killed accidently. I'm not mad, I just find it amusing.

Jed Baker

british humour will always find a new low level to shock you lol, your reaction makes it even more funny, wait till you do league of gentlemen series, already laughing thinking how your reaction to that will go in future at some point


I’m yet to watch this reaction but I will begin now. I just have to say I am a huge dog lover and so are millions of people in the UK but it didn’t offend me at all. It’s not real

Jehan Ariyaratnam

"Mumme could be her nickname, it could easily be...."

Adi Hughes

Seconded, great film, QB would enjoy it too. Also a real place, can see it when driving up the A34 near Newbury (Ecchinswell is the village).

Greg Moakes

You’ll be pleased to know that Jeremy does get “porked in the butthole” exactly as you wish. Not in every subsequent episode…..but several!!


I think it was all good laughs until he ate the dog. Once he ate the dog, it gets a bit distasteful for anyone who owns a dog, it's not so much the act, but just imagining someone eating the leg of my dead dog in front of me is hard to find humourous. The rest of the show was perfect.

Billy Rockets

Black face, references to anal sex, white supremacy, hard drug taking, intercourse with best friend's mother, pheasant getting it's head torn off. That's all OK, but a dead dog?? No way!

Andy Waller

I love my dogs more than 99.9% of humans, but come on man. What an overreaction. Its a comedy and it's not real. It's typical British humour that's designed to shock you to your core. And guess what? You'll never forget this episode will you? So it's done it's job.


I'm hard-core vegan and still piss myself laughing at this episode every time I see it. I think the way British humour makes sure nothing is beyond mockery, especially the sacred/taboo is what makes is funnier.

Dean Carter

Definitely Jeremy's lowest point. King Boomer was suffering enough and then... they bring out the BBQ... If you can get past this you should be good. So many more great episodes. Don't deprive yourself! Also, I'm amazed Queen Boomer slept through it all. ;)


You do realise this is fiction and the events in the episode did not actually happen?


I’m a dog lover, but this episode really wasn’t that bad and felt like a huge overreaction (but we’re all allowed our own opinions). I’d understand if an animal was being abused, but the dog was dead. The saddest part was the dog actually dying, the rest of the episode was just shocking. I actually thought that the scene where Jay kills the squirrel in the Inbetweeners was much worse than this ep because he actually meant to kill it whereas Jeremy didn’t.

Chay Davenport

king boomer: bad things are going to happen!

Chay Davenport

oh dear wiser words have never been truly spoken

Chay Davenport

king boomer: it's the worst. peep show: oh no we just got started


He'll lose his shit at the snake salad spinner bit.


This was so funny watching you react to the dog dying 🤣

Elliot G.

Bless you, King, you're a big softy. Overreaction I think, and I love dogs too. Still love you.

Andrew Powell

Dog lover here 🙋. One of the reasons this is funny, is because you know it's not real-you hit the nail on the head when you said "it's probably a stuffed animal...". I saw a documentary on YouTube about how in China, they skinned and cooked dogs alive and I was completely heartbroken 💔. Keep up the excellent content KB!

R Lawrence

But Boomer, every time we buy meat from a shop we're literally paying someone to kill an animal FOR US...The only difference here, apart from it being fictional, is that we're having to think about the dead animal instead of just eating it...The amount of animals we consume in the west and the way in which we do it is such that, until I succeed in giving up meat I don't believe I have a right to look down on someone who kills an animal (I mean unless its intentional and for no reason except cruelty), or to overly sentimentalize the death of an animal just because its a cuter species , or to look down on a hunter: a hunter confronts the ugliness of the deed of killing an animal by doing it him or herself which shows more respect for it, or at least less disrespect...Anyway I just feel like we have a really hypocritical way of expressing "caring about animals" in the west and I was just curious to know what you think.

Michael Harrop

Spent £3 to watch someone watch an episode of a comedy acting like it's a documentary and taking it WAAAY to seriously, what a good decision that was 😂

Dale M

Id prob react he same way as boomer if t was a kitten or cat. I don't really like dogs, my best friend got half his face bitten off by one