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Everything in this is so random lmao.




O lucky man featuring Malcolm McDowell & Helen Mirren is a suggestion Mr. Boomer, not seen anyone else react to such a curious film!


This was made after the TV series and before the other movies. It was made especially to get them known in America. It was comprised entirely of sketches previously done on the TV show re shot for the cinema screen. The later films are better because they were a story while this is just sketches strung together like an extended version of the TV show. I personally really like it. It's definitely better than The Meaning of Life. KB, you should check out Monty Python, Live at the Hollywood Bowl. It's a live version of their sketches with some new material. It's very good with audience interaction and when it was made they had become a lot better known in America and so it went over better with the fans there on the night