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Mr Matthews

Season 2 my personal fav


Best of season 2, great episode.

Mr Matthews

Was a brilliant episode that

Aaron Close

Dopey, sneezey and bashful. We'll shit em 😂

Mr Matthews

Can't wait for you to watch max Paddy, only 1 season so I beg you to do it straight after this as it's basically an extension to this show

David fallows

Phoenix nights is so short and sweet, wish they made more

Jake Ratcliff

Not KB missing the best joke in take my breath away

Tim Salt (Tim Salt Writes)

Max saying Walking on the moon and his mongy mate max 😆 2 great lines in this one

Mr Robot

He’s eight mile high 😀


Brings a tear….to my japs eye

David Lyons

A quirk of Brian Potter is that he keeps blending his idioms. Like when he was in court he said "They'll throw the key at me!" Nobody says 'top bollocks', he's mixing up 'top dog' and 'the dog's bollocks'! Once you know what to listen out for, you'll start to notice more and more of his word salad :)


Apparently they already had a third series written and ready to go, but couldn't do it for some reason. :(


Best episode I’ve watched it so many time it never gets boring

Leigh Hughes

Don't forget to do Max and Paddy's road to nowhere after this. Then maybe Car share

Ian Richards

You may have got to grips with the Lancashire accents, KB, but this episode has a joke you need to speak Punjabi to get! At 13:30, when Jerry's singing the opening line of Brimful of Asha, he messes up the last two words ("sadi rani," meaning "our queen") and sings "sadi randi," which means "our whore." The most niche gag in Phoenix Nights by a country mile! Kenny Senior does have some killer lines in Series 1 too - my personal favourite is in the very first episode, when he asks Roy Walker if he's really Irish, then follows it up with "I thought you were just pissing about, like that Gerry Adams" - but a lot of them fly under the radar on first watch because he's a more low-key background character and it's not immediately obvious that he's a compulsive liar. In Series 2 they clearly decided to put his chronic bullshitting front and centre in the first episode, making it into a better running joke from that point on.


I must admit I'm a season 1 guy, I just think the plots and script were better. I don't like the way they've wrote season 2 where potter loses his licence, he should have stayed in full charge as the licensee. Season 2 doesn't hit as well for me.

Billy Rockets

Jerry sub-consciously brings on his injuries, just so that he can get some more drugs.

Odette Hull

Loved this! Feels like I'm watching for the first time as I genuinely can't remember many of the episodes, thank you for doing this classic series 😊


Peter Kay & Dave Spikey had a fallout after season 2 for some time so was difficult for them to do it again. They bought it back on stage a few years back so at least they all made up. Would love to have seen another on TV though.

Dave Leigh

best transitions/ minute, in the whole of all of Phoenix Nights, the crowd in unison singing take my breath away, walking on the moon and then Jerry off his tits belting out 'chitty chatty bang bang'. - Perfection


Love how Den Perry is constantly in the Phoenix 😂


Sorry if this has been mentioned before Brian. Did did you notice that Archie Kelly who plays Kenny Snr was also in Peter Kay's 'You went dogging scene from Car Share?


Well people do say 'top bollocks' meaning tits, which makes it even funnier.


For some reason your comment just made me realize he's the rival farmer in Brassic as well haha! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/shorts/YhigQaJ1IZI&ved=2ahUKEwiu8sf21cmGAxUnk4kEHdCcKFUQwqsBegQIDhAG&usg=AOvVaw0L49yrS4bTYPZ1NQELkO1l

Scott Thomas Welsh

Make sure you watch Max and Paddies Road to Nowhere. this season kind of sets it up