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After one episode, how do you feel about this Lex?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/superman-lois-3x12-full/



I like him but also need more time. This is a more brutish Lex than I’ve personally experienced, like Aaron said, Biker gang Lex. I can’t help but think “That’s Abraham as Lex”

Ian Vega

I really like him already. I feel like he has the usual manipulative, calculating mind, while adding a bit more of a brutal quality to him than I'm necessarily used to seeing. Which I don't mind, but it makes him a bit more terrifying to deal with. Cause Lex doesn't usually have issues with doing what he needs to or getting his hands dirty, but this guy seems that and more lol


Peia said he was the devil. This Lex proves it rather that Cryer. Definitely miss Rosenbaum though.


This could be the best interpretation of the character yet, but time will tell. Biker Lex looks like he just walked off the set of Sons of Anarchy and I’m here for it

Anthia Grant

This version is menacing and doesn't give a shit. He's in control and definitely dangerous. The perfect Superman villain. Plus he used his inmate as a chair! A chair!! Who does that??


Wasn't sure at first but was sold after his yelling performance. He seems calm and stoic usually but isn't afraid to express his anger if need be. In a way he almost reminds me of Netflix/MCU Kingpin.


He's very s2 Kingpin for me. I especially love that his vendetta seems stronger against Lois than it is for Superman. It's a nice change of pace for usual Superman x Lex storytelling


I don't think Luthor has ever been this terrifying before. I love it


I picked the first cause well he is already better than the Jesse Eisenberg version from BvS, but definitely get kingpin vibes but also a biker gang feel


I feel like when it comes to new character renditions, a lot of people immediately start comparing to other adaptations, which I don't think is necessarily fair, especially after just one episode. But I will say that I loved Michael Cudlitz's presence as Lex Luthor. It didn't quite have every trait about Lex that I, for one, love, but he was still super intimidating and his performance was great, so I'm willing to give his character more time to grow on me, since it seems they're building him up for next season.

Chaos T

If this version of Lex says "mother dick" randomly, he'll be one of my favorite Lex Luthor's.


He's already growing on me, even for having been in just one episode, but I think I'll need to see more from him for him to sell me. I think I just struggle because obviously no live action Lex can live up to the animated ones that I grew up with, at least not immediately.


I like him so far! Very Wilson Fisk feeling but I love Kingpin so, I can’t complain. Can’t wait to see more!


So far I’m loving this version of Lex, can’t wait to see more of him in S4! Eric may disagree but I think Lex should lose the beard, my only (sorta) issue with him 🤷🏽‍♂️

Logan Wright

I already loved the actor from walking dead so I knew he was gonna knock this out of the park and he absolutely crushed it might be my favourite Lex luthor that we’ve gotten but I’ll need a little more before I know for absolute certainty he’s my favourite Lex!