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Do they fix that damn hole before the end of the show?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-flash-9x08-full/



The hole has to stay open. How else will Chillblaine repel down from the roof on an icicle rope to save the day in the finale?


It will and how it will be fixed will be an end credit scene of Chill Blain shirtless with a hardhat doing slow motion sweaty construction work fixing it while also taking a drink from his Beebo brand electrolyte energy drink. And that will be the final shot of the Arrowverse

Robert English

It will be fixed in an epilogue that takes place in the future when STAR Labs becomes the Flash Museum.

Dylan Allardice

I hope they fix it in the finale and the Legends crash through on the other side of the building to create another hole


If they didn’t fix it in the show it’s never gonna get fixed


The Hole is its own character in the show. it shows that reality is broken due to the lack of Beebo in the Flash


It will being fixed will be the final shot of the show


I predict the final shot of the series will be a zoom out and we see the hole, is in fact, still there


The writers most likely forgot it exists, to them the shots of star labs are irrelevant


Flash rescues the legend. Astra sees the hole & used her magic to fix it


It's absolutely ridiculous that they would fix the whole by the time this show ends, which is exactly why IT MUST HAPPEN. If it's at least as a send off for the Arrowverse, I'll be satisfied. I will literally forgive everything- most- some things these writers have done that I haven't liked, if they just fix that damn hole!


They have to fix the hole before its turned into the flash museum but that's years away. By the final shot it will still be there.

Logan Wright

Now don’t quote me on this but I believe Eric Wallace said the hole would be fixed by the end of season 9 I read it somewhere a long time ago on Instagram!

Logan Wright

To not fix the hole would be unholy or would it technically be holy, Get it cause the holes still there!