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Chillblaine: he dead?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-flash-9x04-full/



I love that in true Blind Wave fashion Eric pronounced my username wrong last week and it caused the simulation to temporarily break. It would have been really cool if it was actually SurferBoi like Melanie's shirt but alas it is Suffer* as in torment, not Surfer as in fun activities :( sorry guys lol 😅


They just "killed" him off so they can milk an emotional reunion out of him later in the season


It feels like they took his death more seriously than Caitlin's... and that fucking sucks.


Yeah, he is dead. To think I felt more for him this one episode than I ever had before, Now those rock-hard abs will never be shown again... Unless its an open casket


Unrelated but I feel like The Flash is trying to do with Chester and Allegra what Stargirl did with Rick and Beth. They're obviously not the main relationship of the show but there's still enough there to suggest there's something more. I just feel like Stargirl did it alot better.


No, because no one can really die in this show, especially of how many times people have been brought back, besides team flash still don't know the multiverse exists.

Marcos Avalos

Everyone just with some it's the cw bs but what I think actually happens is that red death stops the rogues from killing him. She will probably use him as leverage against team flash in upcoming episodes


As you often say, we didn't see a body.


I feel like they want us to hate him. But I will say he is not dead, nor do I want him to be, because in any case, he is a fellow Mark and we always look out for each other. And Mark Hamill is our leader.

Kevin Bartelen

Nah, they cut that too carefully to make sure is was vague. He's still alive for sure.