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For those of you with Early Access at $5, you know there will be an upcoming burger-off. Who do you think would make a better burger



My Votes Aaron because seems something he could handle in the kitchen.




My vote is Calvin because....... just because lol


Shane's burger will ultimately be the best. I'm definitely gonna try making one.


Aaron for the fact I feel will keep it simple , I feel the others will try to do too much . Eric maybe if he was available. Great camera work as always Eric.


Calvin, he seems like he know's exactly what he want's in a burger. I imagine Eric could probably make a bad-ass Pizza though, since he did that for a living. Perhaps in a future cooking with Blindwave? :)


No offense too shane he makes his burgers too complicated and over all looks like it be messy to eat. Sure who doesnt love Bacon but a bun should not be dipped in grease. Im sure Shane is a Good Cook but just think Aaron be more like i would make a hamburger. Do wonder what Calvin can do but I think his will be 3rd best


sorry shane but i feel like yours is just way to complicated. I think clavin can win with a more simpler classic burger. well this is just one fat kids opinion

Andrew Reise

I just remember Eric complimenting Shane's burger in one video (forget which one), so I vote for Shane lol


I have to go with Shane and Calvin. Sorry Aaron but maybe you'll surprise me. Can't wait for the burger off.


The Fat Burger.


I think Calvin has a proper sense of flavors and compliments while having a creativity that can rival Shane's. I say Calvin.


Gotta be Calvin, although i'd be wary as to what meat he made it out of...beef, cat, dog, unsuspecting hiker.


Eric lol !

Cory Hawks

Funny how almost nobody had any faith in Aaron lol.


Aaron thrives on being the underdog and proving everyone wrong


I have to say that after watching the "burger-off" I might like Aaron's best...


Calvin seems really knows what he likes and what would go best...plus he's my favourite 😊


Heard Eric mention Shane's burgers several times now, my money's on Shane.


I imagine Calvin, with the way he eats burgers so slowly, would be the most likely to savor every bite, and as such, have the most acute taste buds... a necessity for any chef.