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How much do you think George Lucas has affected your life in a profound way?



I don't care for Star Wars or Indiana Jones so he has not affected my life directly.


Star Wars was one of the first Fandoms I was a part of and that just drove me deeper into collecting things so yea he affected me a whole lot.


Directly or Indirectly It has! Even if you are not a fan of the franchise, it has changed and inspired every other movie to push their limits and changed the whole experience for ever.

Matthew Thacker

His movies inspired and gave me joy for my entire life.

James Fiarito

I'll pick A Little because Star Wars and stuff really only inspired things that I'm into, I never really watched the movies themselves, I think I've seen A New Hope like once years ago and thats it. Love Indiana Jones though.


Without Star Wars movies in the current age movies wouldn't be near as good compared to having them.


Episode 2 was one of the first movies I saw in theaters. Even though it's not perfect, the characters, story, and action excited me immensely. Also, Last Crusade is incredible.


I Love Star Wars and Indiana Jones but I like many types of movies and things . So I have more then one stable of influences that shape my imagination.

Stoned Volus

Star Wars was what inspired me to become a storyteller and writer. I remember the exact moment, when Luke was watching the two suns set on Tatooine. I was just so fascinated and amazed as a kid and I still am.


I'm ashamed to say it but i've never watched a Star Wars film.


I was born in '95 so unlike the Blind Wave crew I grew up with the prequels (or at least Ep. 1) before I saw the original trilogy. That being said, *deep breath* I think A New Hope is pretty lame as far as movies go, however you guys made the point that it's the grand daddy of VFX so I don't knock it for that, but as far as actually stories and storytelling goes. A New Hope is the only Star Wars movie I straight up do not like


George lucas has big effect on my grandpa life because my grandfather panited some cars for george before he made star wars. those cars were in his early films america graphitti and its sequel. my mom told see met some of the stars when they were filming.


Well Star Wars and Indiana jones both give me enjoyment when I'm watching them, especially on a day where things suck.


Thinking about it if george lucas never did star wars or indiana jones everything would be different. Uncharted and Lara Croft and National Treasure are all inspired by Indiana Jones and so so so many things have been inspired by Star Wars. Everything would be different and being a young man that has grown up a massive scifi fan sooo much wouldve never existed and the entire entertainment industry and community would be changed.


I am gonna say a lot. Before my first time watching Star Wars I was just a quiet little kid with no friends and low self esteem and being bullied all the time. My first watching of Empire Strikes Back (the first one I saw) changed it all. I began to write, I began to game, I actually gained a lot of friends. Without George Lucas well it would be a lot different. I wouldn't be where I was now


George has affected my life so much. With only being 20, I grew up with his work as a child. I love Star Wars like many people do but it hits me deep like the way it does with the BlindWave crew.

Darth Skhorrn

Look at my profile pic and you tell me.


Now if it were Don Bluth or Mel Blanc, I have to say my life was changed dramatically, but I've never been a Star Wars or Indiana Jones fan.

Noah im a broke bitch now so I'm gonna hide here at the $10 tier Llamas

George Lucas has surprising little involvement in starwars besides he owns it empire was directed by Irvin Kershner and Jedi was directed by Richard Marquand and the original starwars was a complete mess and was saved in editing, the fact that George directed all the prequels is another bad mark on his record.

Harry Utton

Well in a way yes because Star Wars has made me that much more of a Trekkie than before 😂


What a brilliant episode....Just what a delight. Star Wars and LoTR are huge influences on my life, more so LoTR. I spent hours as a kid with my friends battling each other and fake monsters as both Jedi and various of the cast of LoTR. Nothing beats getting to die epicly XD


Save George Lucas, save the world! - Anyone else think, the Waverider looks like a trash compacted Millenium Falcon? - STAR TREK actually influenced me more, because it's more sciency and has more technobabble.


I only got into Star Wars recently, but Lucas has definitely made an impact on lots of people, including future filmmakers who made the movies I love today!