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What is your belief about attempting to Change The Future in The Flash?



Flashpoint the Christopher Reeve Superman movie and numerous other stories in comics etc prove that the future can be changed but for the sake of plot the team will either fail or make things worse.


The future has already been changed many times. It's more so can they change the future to there will.


Lets just hope its not a fixed point in time. (Doctor who logic)

Matthew Thacker

Like Terminator moves said, "The future is not set. No fate but what we make."


I think what Flash is doing will cause numerous aberrations that will affect our Legends crew who will show up at the end to help stop Savitar but will force Barry to let Iris go.


wibbly wobbly timey wimey


I know alot of people think it can since Legends Of Tomorrow was made but I think not messing with the furture is best because all number of bad things can happened and In Flash we know something will happen to effect the next season.


They should just get Tony Todd to tell them the pitfalls in trying to change the future.


I think all the things they do will end up changing the person that Savitar kills.


Legends already established that the future can change via time travelers and speedsters

Darth Kal-El (Cory Weston)

That's not how that works. Also changing the future wouldn't cause a time aberration. The whole point the legends team was put together was to change the future.

Greg Alan

I'm definitely a hard determinist. Because of the law of cause and effect, everything that occurs in nature is the effect of a prior cause, and will then be the cause for the next effect. The thing is, everything is in nature, including your thoughts which are a series of electrical signals firing between neurons. So even your thoughts and decisions follow under this line of logic, so free will is an illusion we tell ourselves so that we feel that we have agency.


Fixed future is like destiny. And I don't believe in heroes who are destiny's bitches. Make your own future, son.


The future can't be changed, but it can be altered just enough to save a person's life, but like season 1 of Flash said, something equally terrible will happen. So by saving iris, they might kill someone else.

Nicholas & Heather

All futures exist as possible worlds? So in a way everything is indeed set in stone, but you get the option which one you get.


What if by flash and the team trying to alter time, that instead of time wraiths coming to haunt barry, it is zoom, who is now black flash. It would be pretty cool to see and might make sense because zoom is with the time wraiths right now.


I believe the things their changing will have around the same out come as the regular time line, where iris dies and Berry asks the legends to fix it, but they don't.


I reckon they will make changes enough where maybe someone else besides iris dies. Also the future isn't written yet and as jay said that was just one of many possible futures that could happen.

Agni Kai

didnt finish your discussion after watching the reaction but wasnt it confirmed in this episode the future can be changed? the whole thing with hr on the roof


I believe that the show has already established that the future could be changed in this episode with HR as well as Kid Flash being on the headline. I also still believe the domino affect is a great way to show how things can be changed


I think that the future is more of a prediction of the future, judging by the way legends works. It can be changed, but time wants to happen in a certain way, making it harder to change larger events such as death. So I think it can be changed, but it won't be easy.


The thing is once the future is changed, it cannot be unchanged. It can only be altered an infinite number of times with each one different then the last.


Yeah but the main event which is iris death, may be something that cant be changed. Like people say that time has a way of rewriting itself


If it's the future it hasn't happened, is it possible to change something that doesn't exist?


It's the future. It hasn't happened yet so I believe it can be changed. But they better not change the gorilla attack! Ha


I think it can be changed but it shouldn't be. Everything happens for a reason even if it is bad


The future can be changed before the events happen, technically Barry going back and saving his Mom is changing the future depending how you look at.


I've always looked at this topic the way HR put it, the road to try to avoid your future could be the road that leads you to it


I'd say can be changed, but berry swearing on his dead parents might just confirm iris death in the show.


If you can change the past, then you should also be able to change the future, because there is no absolute present. - The day of Iris's death is in the future for current Barry, but for e.g. the Barry from 2030 it's long in the past. - The future already happened, just like the past, so if you can change the past, you should be able to change the "future".


If you can change the past and that will affect your present, then depending on how you choose your present (or want to change it) it will change your future, BUT, I still believe that, as they say, time tends to fix itself so, if they are trying to change Iris's death, and I believe they will, that means that time will try to correct itself and it will cause the death of another person instead.