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How did The Flash disgrace Red Death?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-flash-9x02-full/



It could be (like with Boomerang and Fiddler) a Crisis change. Something happened pre crisis that Red Death remembers but Barry doesn't.

Alex the Patron

I hoped they would introduce the whole dark multiverse and could make that the big final crossover yk? So an arrowverse version of the black metal and death metal comics, and they could technically use that as a wrap up for the whole thing. So I hope it's that red death is from a dark universe and introduces other possible villains and through that they bring in all the heroes


I can’t believe the CW also screwed up the red death character too by giving him the same general motivation as every other season villain 😭 it was the perfect opportunity to make him Oliver. It would of been perfect for arrowverse, it’s what all the fans wanted plus it’s even public knowledge Stephen Amell will return as oliver for the 9th episode but he won’t be red death.


Why does Red Death look so bad, I would've preferred the Dark Vibrating Shadow, reminded me a lot of reverse flash season 1. I feel like the suits are getting progressively worse, the Flash Suit peaked at season 4. and Thawns New Suit looked so awkward on him.

Brandon Hanks

I have a feeling that whatever Red Death is talking about it was caused by Barry. But it when happen when hed did something thing that he did not know it was effecting Red Death.

Mike Drop

This show has turned into a worse version of power rangers. The writing, the costumes, the special effects, the bad guy monologuing on a rooftop at night.


I am thinking that it could be batwoman however if they wanted to make a parallel to season 3 then they could do what season 3 almost did and make it the real future Flash, I hope it is a familiar face from the first three series of the flash.


what you mean "your thinking" its been confirmed for months its boatwoman bruh


How to completely kill 95% of people excitement for red death... make him batwoman instead of the arrowvers's batman Oliver queen plus would of been such a more personal story for Barry because Barry never even met this knockoff batfemale anyways. no wonder why CW is getting stripped away from DC


What you are getting wrong is that it’s my opinion so don’t attack me Bruh


Not a real fan of who they cast for Red Death, but if they somehow find a way to connect Red Death to the season 3 finale (highly doubt it though) then I'll have a better opinion of the casting. But to to answer the question will say future timeline.

Michael Rockenfelder

Oliver Queen Is Green Arrow. Red Death is, and has always been part of the Batfamily. Seeing as they can't use Batman, they had to use Batwoman. "Knockoff Batfemale" stop being sexist.


Yea but the arrowverse basically made green arrow that universes batman. And it’s the arrowverse and the last season of the arrowverse… or am I mistaken and is this called the batverse?


Furthermore, story comes first. It would be more impacting and a better story if it was Oliver

Joshua Swanson

But they didn't show his motivation yet? All we know is that he hates Barry. We have no idea why. But if you're referring to the fact he hates Barry, then... What else do you want? I don't know if know this but, TYPICALLY, villains hate heroes.


Okay but still. What motivation could be better than another universe oliver that is mad at Barry for not sacrificing himself in crisis which causes Oliver to result to the negative speed force to save everyone and get corrupted & how great would it be another one of Barry’s “mentors” face & friend being the final season villain hence why Barry has to go get our old Oliver queen in episode 9 to defeat him so that in episode 10 the last episode can be all about Barry and thawn and that night his mom died & turn into the lightning bolt that strikes him to bring not only the flash show but the whole arrowverse full circle

Ko Villa

Barry doing something in the future to disgrace or defeat is too predictable and has already been done plenty of times. I believe that Barry did something in the present that affected Red Death in the present or the future and we just don't know it yet.


I'd like to think it's a "future, Flash" scenario, but I feel like that's already been done a little too much. On the other hand, that's really the only thing I can think of that actually makes sense, although there have been heavily convoluted plotlines in this show before so I wouldn't be surprised if it was something.. else.


I think Barry’s already done whatever he’s done to piss off Red Death, because I think Red Death is actually Thawne. We don’t know what the hell happened to him when he “exploded”, so I think his mind or whatever got trapped inside another Batwoman