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Will Joel be angry about Ellie's gun?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction to The Last of Us 1x3 HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-last-of-us-1x03-full/



He will be angry, of course, but my gut tells me the way he finds out is while Ellie is trying to save him so he won't be as angry compared to if he just randomly found the gun in her bag.


I am sure he will be upset and lash out at Ellie. He sees her as too much of a burden and a child at the moment. So anything she does that is contrary to his belief in that, will anger him. Later in the episode that happens i believe she will have earned his respect and be trusted with the gun again. There will probably also be a scene with him teaching her how to use it and spelling out rules again.


Nah Joel is a super chill guy ✌️🤙


I've never played the game, i did watched Aaron play trough a little bit, but it looked so good, i stopped watching to not get spoiled. So as i understand from the show Ellie was in a government school, so i imagine she was train in fire arms, so Joel will be really glad when she show how good she is and that she can be an asset and not a burden.

Reece Hart

Given where we are in the story if a situation similar to the game plays out Joel will be angry but also realise how necessary it is for Ellie to be armed and start teaching her how to safely use it.


I think he will be a little angry, but I don't think it'll be as bad as people expect, so I voted for "he will be okay with it" just for fun.


There is absolutely no way that Joel is just OKAY with Ellie having gun. If I had to guess, the gun will be used in some way by Ellie to save Joel's life. Either shooting a human person, or a zombie at some point down the road which will be the way that Joel finds out about it, then we'll have a "You can't be mad at me because I just saved your life!" argument from Ellie.

Rachelle G

There's obviously a reason why he doesn't want her to have a gun, I suspect her having a gun is not going to go well for some unknown but specific reason.

Katie Stubbs

I am with Calvin and say it does depend on the situation. Cop out I know but I do think Joel repeatedly saying no to Ellie asking for a gun is important for something later on and when that moment does arrive I think it will be more impactful because we've had all these little interactions. *GAME SPOILERS* I am talking about the scene where Joel gives Ellie the rifle to cover his back as they are dealing with some Hunters.


I feel like she will use it when it is necessary like say if she is getting attacked or Joel and he will be like mad for a second but then get over it


both he will be angry and then later not


Oh hell no! What's bad about kids having guns?