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Vote in our poll about how you want the crossover to end HERE 




I want Snart to come back, maybe Flashpoint changed that outcome as well only it took longer for its effect to reach The End of Time cuz it was that much farther away in the timeline.


To see the villains and heroes from all four shows team up to take out the dominators would be amazing.


As much as I love the idea of all of those options, I have to go with bringing in the DEO. How awesome would it be to see the rest of the Supergirl cast interacting with the other heroes. Imaging Diggle meeting Martian Manhunter.


As much as I would love to see Grodd, I think a temporary team up of heroes and villians would be great to see. I thinks the personality clashes would be hilarious and the common ground found would be touching.


Definitely the team up. Would love to see Grodd or deo. But gotta go with the logical option. And by the way Cisco is pissed cause Barry did something selfish. Ragmans cool with Felicity because what she did was to save millions of lives.


Grodd would be the best, but DEO would be more likely.


I would love too see Grodd and Barry team up to get rid of Alchemy and the God Of Speed. And I want Cisco too see maybe Barry going in the past would have had no change what happens too his brother. Cause Cisco is just being mean. Its not like Barry Stabbed his brother too death.


The team up for sure would be best. I also watched a video where someone said it would be awesome and crazy if unlikely as it would be Roy just showed up.


I would love to see either of these options but I have to go with Grodd and his army of super telepathic gorillas to fight the army of super telepathic aliens.


I think it would be fair to Supergirl and the announcing of a 4-night crossover event for the DEO to show up and for the Supergirl plot to matter for the resolution of the problem. It'd be logical for her to put together that she was just moments before fighting against a virus that only killed aliens, to actually fighting off an alien invasion and use that. It'd also be a resolution to her having a problem with the fact that her father created the virus for this very purpose.


I miss captain cold aka snart. what a legend


I want rip to show up with the jsa and Jonah hex and then john Constantine show up Outa know where. And the league of assassion.


I would love to see Kara bring Jonn, Kal, Mon-El and even James to Earth Arrowverse in the next crossover... either that or the make a crossover event to MERGE their Earths


Id love to see some of the villains help. Maybe get earth 2 Laurel to give Sarah some peace. I also want to to see them name the hall of justice.


Definitely the team of CW superheroes and villains in that way We might get to see Deathstroke, and reverse flash and the dark archer. Oh cool maybe even Promethius could show up and help. I would also love Grodd to come as well


We saw from the future newspaper that maybe Iris doesn't marry Barry or something happened to her...in the comics Iris is killed by Reverse Flash and seeing that Eobard is still alive now due to Flashpoint maybe that is her fate?


Easy choice! Definitely wanna see grodd tear up some shit lol


Instead of the DEO coming in to help, having J'onn and Superman help out would be the best! I hope the crossover next season is, one, a true four-show crossover (looking at your Supergirl). Two, involves all the heroes (bring in Jay Garrick, Jesse Quick, Kid Flash, J'onn J'onzz, Superman, have Ragman actually do something, etc) that have appeared in these shows.


These shows wants me too see Supergirl cross over and help Arrow and Legends a couple of times. Id love a red krypton Kara beating the shit out of Oliver or better yet a Big Superman Villain playing with Oliver and the heroes like cat toys and Oliver needs Kara 's help.