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Vote in our poll about choosing one sense HERE 




hey its up


As a man who loves to eat and nothing else, taste is the only choice. Sidenote I need to lose 50 ponds :(


With sight I could watch Blind wave reactions and read so I wouldn't worry too much about the other senses. There s always subtitles lol


I chose hearing because I think I could function the best with it. I rely on my hearing too much


How fucked up wouldn't it be if you couldn't feel someones body warmth or your own body if you happened to walk into a brick wall. You wouldn't even notice if you're seriously hurt.


Definitely sight. But Eric's point about Score is well said. And Aaron's point about getting to score is well recieved.


I feel like I could potentially be a REAL Daredevil if I only had my Hearing. How heightened would my hearing be if I had no other senses? Plus I couldn't feel the pain of being punched so That's like Daredevil meets Spetsnaz or something


No disrespect to anyone else's choice or opinion. But I think people are taking touch for granted. Touch is the only one of the five that is necessary for your survival. Touch is the only one of the five that is active in every part of your body as opposed to one organ. Plenty of animals exist without one or more of the other four but every animal has touch. Everything you do everyday relies on touch. Without touch walking is essentially impossible since you wouldn't be making any physical contact with the ground, relying solely on sight and balance. Forget driving -- can't feel the pressure on the pedals. Speaking will become significantly more difficult without being able to feel vibration and your tongue touching the various parts of your mouth to make specific sounds. Forget eating anything without a straw ever again -- you'd chew your own tongue off and not even know until you see the blood. Picking up objects becomes a high concentration task. And most of all, you lose your sense of pain, the most important aspect of touch. Your coffee could be too hot and you burn your throat without ever knowing. Heaven forbid you get appendicitis or a stomach ulcer and you'll never know until it's nearly too late. You'll constantly have bruises, burns, and cuts all over you. Eventually, you'll either die young or have to live in a padded cell the rest of your life.

Red Claw

I think loosing the ability to feel is the most dangerous. You don't know, if you burn yourself or something is about to freeze off. You don't feel cuts and bruises. I think feeling is the sense that prevents us from most Danger.


I feel like not being able to feel would result in paralysis. Imo making you the most handicapped out of all of them.


Hearing... Definitely Hearing. No Movies, Videos, Music, or anything I consume would be worth it without hearing. I would lose video games though... Oh shit I didn't think about that. Well anyway, hopefully I don't have an experiment taking away all my senses but one any time soon.

Greg Alan

Feeling. If you can't feel, then you can't feel pain, and then you're more likely to die because you're badly injured but you wouldn't know it , and therefore wouldnot get treatment


This is a cruel, cruel question! Would be much easier to choose 1 to lose, but if it's to keep we're talking about, I'd go with touch. You wouldn't be able to do *anything* had you no sense of touch, I don't reckon you can even move without it, you wouldn't know *how* to move because you wouldn't know the relative position of your body parts ._.

Giancarlo Hamlin

I was going to pick hearing to keep but then I realized that if I lost it I could just go get cochlear implants while keeping my sight.


I guess I'd pick sight, seems like the most difficult to live without.


I thought long and hard about this, its a tough question. Smell and taste, luxuries we can do without. The tough one is between sight, sound and touch. And in the end, I went with hearing, and to be honest, for very depressing reasons. When It comes to sight, I kinda agree with icymathritos, everything you did would become a super concentrated task. Every time you wanted to grab a glass of water, you would have to watch your hand the entire time, because you would have to manually tell yourself when to stop gripping, it wouldn't be automatic anymore, because you couldn't feel when you had a tight enough grip. All the most basic tasks that we do without thinking, suddenly become long hard ordeals. I don't think it would be a life worth living. Being able to only feel is no better. Yeah you could move around and interact with the world, but you would have no real way to communicate, it would be a very lonely life, again not worth living. When all you can do is hear, without sight, or touch, smell or taste, then your life would essentially be floating in a black void. I can't imagine it being much different from being in a coma. You would have to be bed ridden with someone taking care of you your whole life, but you wouldn't really even know it, all you would know is what you are told, and then it"s up to you to decide if that is even true. So I would like to just lay in my black abyss, hoping whoever is taking care of me plays good music, so I can just drift off into the deepest parts of my mind, where I can hopefully create my own world and try to live a happy life. Damn, I came here to watch the introduction of one of the most Bad ass characters on TV, to let loose and enjoy myself, and look what you got me thinking about. Damn you Blind Wave!!!!! JK keep up the good work, you guys rock!!


Being unable to feel while being blind seems like it would make things a looot harder.


Those who DID NOT vote "smell" basically either they never shower or they ate so much durian that they break their sense of smell LOL


I have anosmia (I can't smell) and I don't remember ever being able to smell. You could say my olfactory is out of business... ... ... sorry about that joke. Everyone always immediately asks, "So does that mean you can't taste?" and the answer is I don't know. I can definitely taste flavors, but I don't know if it's diminished from what you taste or if it's different from what you taste. My answer is always the same for those people who ask that question: "Things taste how they taste."


I had to think about this as if I were in a relationship or having sex. I choose feeling, because I may not want to hear her, heck may not even want to see what she her; and if she doesn't shower...i can't say I would want to smell/taste...lol I'm just going to stop now.


In the video, you say that blind people wouldn't have a concept of attractiveness, so it wouldn't matter if it was Scarlet Johansson, or anyone else, sucking your dick... but, that's not entirely true. Studies, having blind people and sighted people feeling up different sized mannequins show that even blind people have a preference in body shape, and that a certain hip to waist ratio is preferred, even if you can't actually see it. It's hardwired into our DNA, and being blind doesn't change that.


Ahhh man Hearing put up a great fight but i would have to go with sight simply because i rely way too much on it with a photographic memory and with that evil sorceress flying around.........i don't want to get hit with a stray spell.


It was a struggle to decide between hearing and sight but in the end I went with sight. I really love movies so this way I can still watch them but have to read captions. That changes movie experiences tho, I would have to balance out paying attention to what is happening with what is being said. Also, are you guys gonna watch Legends of Korra after ATLAB?


I AM A FOODIE. So I went with TAASTE!


Definitely hearing or touch, im kind of caught between the two. my sight has never been the greatest, but i have really sensitive hearing and touch. i don't know which of the two i would chose if i could only choose one lol