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This was such a fun episode. This is why Supernatural is my favourite show.

Kay Scruton

I think they're long past the point where something can be considered going too far. I mean, they've killed Eric Kripke and Misha Collins, so Hitler isn't too much of a stretch.


The inclusion of Hitler in the show didn't bother me in terms of taste but the way it was portrayed did. I would have preferred it to take a couple of episodes before they took him out and I just felt that playing Hitler as a clown was not well done

Greg Alan

They should have cast an old, balding red head with fake tanner


I love SPN and I have loved SPN for a long time, through the years they have done many possibly offensive characters and it has never bothered me including this one, because they make it there own. This was one off the more humour driven episodes and I love how that is always completely embraced, as the cast and crew say themselves "no joke to cheap". B.t.w. the grenade launcher has been in the back off the Impale pretty much from day one, and many fans have ask why the brothers have not simple taken out vampire nests and the likes with a grenade and have not even talk about it, getting several answers. So fans have been waiting a long time for the conformation off that launcher. :)

Matthew Thacker

After everything that previously was done on Supernatural this isn't to far. We had all the holiday mascots killed, all the non christian gods killed, the 4 horseman, and some of the real life actors. This is just another example of the writers looking for something fun to kill that hasn't been done.


I thought it was an excellent episode. SPN is my favourite show and I've kinda been enjoying this season, to be honest. I like that the focus is on MOTW rather than a huge story arc.


Since Hitlers soul inside the watch. Could you bring him back with it? Or did Hitler leave the watch?