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Vote in our poll about Lance's secret





I refuse to believe Lance is Prometheus. If he is, it's way to large of a jump in logic.


Its earth 2 lance??!! 🤔


Dont think its Lance. But if Prometheus does have access to SCPD lockup, does that mean he's wearing a modified season 1-3 Arrow costume? And also Felicity is dating Grant Ward's little brother from Agents of SHIELD


I'm with 16bit couple I refuse to believe Lance is Promethius. It is too much of a coincidence that he has a throwing star and a cut on his arm. I think it's someone related to the first season. He no longer has access to Scpd lockup. What if it's captain Pike?


I'm thinking it's either him being framed like you guys suggested or Lance is somehow being blackmailed into helping Prometheus lead Oliver along. I don't feel like Artemis should have even been able to cut Prometheus like that yet, and he didn't seem to have as much skill with the sword as I thought he would have. It's a bit of a leap for Lance to have somehow been skilled enough to get off the train without anyone noticing when Oliver's arrow went off, but I just think it's a little too stupid for Lance and everyone else to just assume that he's been doing this shit when he blacks out.


I'm gonna say he's being framed. No way is he that good just because he gets drunk and has a split personality. Also...I don't want them to make papa Lance a villain. I'm thinking now it may be Felicity's boyfriend. He was WAY too chill about the whole revealing she works for Green Arrow scene.


What if....And it's a big IF! What if Prometheus is a result of Flashpoint and Alchemy is involved into turning Quentin into Prometheus? Like what if in the Flashpoint timeline, Quentin became kind of a Dark Archer? I don't honestly believe this, but other than Diggle's kid, we don't know just how much Flashpoint changed the Arrow show. Alchemy does not necessarily have to be involved either. Quentin could have simply gone somewhere else, like Nyssa perhaps, and trained. All im saying is that its not as unfeasible as you may think. Though i do think it was a red herring in reality.

Agni Kai

It's either billy Malone or Adrian chase, although I was getting a vibe it could be Roy but that's a long shot


Its not lance. its just like when Roy thought he killed Sara. it would be amazing if it was komodo from the comics but they already completely butchered that character.


I don't believe it's lance. I reckon he is being framed by Prometheus to make it look like he was the one Artemis fought. Maybe Prometheus entered his house while lance was heavily drunk/blacked out and gave him the same cut in the same spot and left the throwing star behind, since he looked very baffled about having the cut and seeing the throwing star. I believe Prometheus is either Billy, Adrian or the way outta of this world guess Tommy.

Kevin Bartelen

I think it is Lance, but he's either being controlled, or has split-personality. If it is a red herring though then it has to be Malcolm Merlin, who else would want to mess with Oliver like that.


I don't believe that is Lance, as I don't believe that is Felicity's boyfriend or even Adrian! I think that will be someone that we are not expecting or maybe someone from Oliver's past.


I don't think it's Lance. Besides all the reasons already mentioned there is the fact that the reveal did not happen with an unmasking like Merlyn's or Zoom's reveals. I also think there are too many loose ends to either confirm or deny his involvement. Blood can easily be tested, not only for a match, but also for alcohol. A simple test could tell he was too drunk to walk, let alone shoot killing stars at people. The cut, the star at his apartment, the disappearing acts, it's too much evidence pointing at him, which clearly suggest, by TV logic, that it's obviously not him.


I don't think it's Lance. Yeah, he has hit a rough patch and is drinking again. But I think this is just a misdirect from the series

Ian Swallow

Quentin Lance just doesn't have the skill set to be Prometheus, even if it was a split personality deal. He might be working for Prometheus though.

Jon Dub

I voted no, has to be a misdirect. Not only would it be slightly dumb, but Lance has no ninja training and has no reason for wanting to kill Oliver, would be weird if he just went psycho. Unless he is being mind controlled or something. Maybe its Grodd back from Ape City!! :)


I say no. Lance is not Prometheus. But is it possible that Lance is being mind controlled by the real Prometheus? Like how Thea was mind controlled by Merlyn.


i don't think it is lance, he has no reason to mess with Oliver like that, plus when did he get the training? Prometheus has to be someone who's held a vendetta since season 1, for me it could be Tommy or maybe Walter though i don't know why


I think Flashpoint changed some shit and Roy is Prometheus. Don't know why.


Lance is definitely not Prometheus obviously a set up. I still think Prometheus is a somehow resurrected Tommy.


I know the cut on his arm was meant to say that Lance is Prometheus but what?? Seriously Lance? Unless alcohol gives Lance special powers that he uses for evil lol. I think it's someone else, there have been guesses it maybe tommy which I would like as I liked tommy but I doubt it. Slap bet? Lol


Even though during the episode I started seeing hints making me wonder if Lance was Prometheus, but being like wait what no way it can't be right, and I guess I should see the end as a conformation, but I still don't see it. Prometheus is, in my opinion, clearly playing the long game, maybe wants to have the players chasing there own tails. And Lance being the puppetmaster would just not fit with the person we have seen all these years, unless he has been playing a really long con, but I just don't see that.


It actually can't be lance, can it? I feel like it's too early for the reveal of Prometheus. I honestly don't know who it could be, someone that knows about his list and I don't think a lot of people actually know about that


Relax guys, it's not Quentin, its.. wait for it.. Laurel!!! DA DA DAAAAA!!! Or it could well be someone else.. wait for it.. something else!! dadadadada Aaron!!!


I'm convinced it's oliver from a flashpoint timeline where he did not have any help ....and he's gone completely dark when anyone fails the city....plus look how he moves it's almost identical to green arrow :) ...so yep ...imagine ollie v ollie....final closing of the 5 arc ...dark ollie v light Ollin


Lance being Prometheus is a pretty obvious misdirect in my opinion and he's probably being set up by Prometheus I believe the twist that's going to happen with Prometheus is that it's going to end up being several people under one persona. I believe that his/her actions are starting to become too grand in order to just be one person.

Marcelo Eloy Pierre Jorge

Something could have happened to Lance on his trip... maybe felicity's mom isn't safe! We didn't have Felicity mention her anymore. I'm guessing some weird split personality controled by someone else. So I think it is Lance.


It's Lance. Blackout drunks are capable of ANYTHING. And Lance has suffered unbelievable losses here lately. I'm with Marcelo, I think that Lance's trip to Vegas is a lie. He probably hooked up for Malcolm for his training. Where the hell is he btw! Also check Prometheus' frame. It looks like Lance. Same stance.