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Yes I would've.


Daryl made an emotional choice, and I can understand that, but it's not one I can agree with. Be him a Point Man or a Negan Man, he'd still serve as hostage for Alexandria to stay put. The difference is that, had he accepted to become Negan, he would be well fed, have his health treated for, get weapons... He would have the chance of fighting another day, whereas as it is all he can do is hope for a quick death. I would have taken the deal and just waited it out, see if anything happens that can get me out of there. If Negan ever asked me something beyond my limits (for example, as he did with Dwight, kill one of my partners) I'd just unload a gun on him. Worse that could happen is his posse killing me for it, but that is the exact same result of the other option, minus dead Negan...


I would not have taken the room either cos then Negan gets what he wants. I d rather eat dog food sandwiches listen to the music and sleep on the floor in the dark rather than give him what he wants he killed my friends in front of me I d want revenge but I'd rather die than join him


If I was in Daryl's position I would have taken the room being completely honest. It's either keep being tortured and not eating or drinking much or living slightly normally. However then I would take a risk of trying to kill negan or escaping when they let their guard down. Rather risk and possibly have a good outcome then be stuck in a room and barely eat or anything. Don't mind the music tho lol


I'm too soft, I would have caved after a few hours of that shit.


I would have taken the room. That way, Darryl would be well fed, armed, and would also be able to scout the place out. He could know where everything is in the compound, and its potential weaknesses by the time the big fight (which will no doubt happen eventually) happens. Also, I bet that the guy who ran away isn't the only one who's thinking along the lines of 'why are we loyal to Negan?' Darryl could have led a turncoat group, but now it looks like he'll be rotting in a cell when the fight comes, unless something changes


I think Darryl feels like he deserves the torture for Glenn's death. I agree with Nyree, I couldn't join Negan after I watched him kill my family. Just kill me.


I would have because I'm no Daryl. I understand why he didn't though. What he said in his cell summed that up, "That's why I can't."


I would've taken the room, because you can join them but you could also be an inside man and gather information for when/if you ever reunite with your group or escape


That song being on loop is what would get me. Everything else I could probably deal with. Just that stupid song would drive me crazy


I think I understand why Daryl chooses the way he does, but I think I would take the room. I would try to help my group by learning about Negans group, where they are located, how many men they have, stuff like that, it will never make up (in my mind) for the loss of one of my best friends, but my group gets way more out off the info I can get, then out of me rotting away in some cell.


any normal human being would choose to have the room, if they're so desperate.. I chose yes because if were to be stripped naked, given dog food sandwiches, made to lisn the same song every single day, I would've gone mad... we're on easy street.. shit the song is already stuck in my head.. i would be too much of an idiot to reject Negan's offer.. unless i'm Daryl lol


Jeffrey Dean Morgan is killing it as Negan.