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Vote in our poll on how you feel about a love interest forming around two characters.





I put yes because all in all I'm fine with it but it does feel a bit forced. It just seems like they're trying to make Alex the character that has sexual tension with a character every season. First it was one of the main villains now it's a person that's in a relationship.

John Lewis

Everything with Maggie and Alex felt natural to me while watching. I have hope for them

Kevin Bartelen

I have never once gotten the impression that Alex has had any interest in women before which makes this (if that is indeed what's going on) seem forced for plot reasons rather than a natural progression of her character. I hope they're actually just going for a friends but Maggie is too busy for a new friend thing or something.


The CW is more apt than CBS would be to include gay or lesbian characters and relationships (Captain Singh, Curtis Holt, Sara Lance) almost to the point that it is a requirement. That's not a criticism, mind you. I don't think that Alex's attraction to Maggie is out of place for her character. She doesn't need to have a backstory of being interested in women to be interested in one now - either she hadn't come across a woman she had an attraction to last season, or she has changed or grown as a person, and this is a new interest for her. What I do find foreign in this Alex is her flustered lovesick act around Maggie. It feels different than the character that was shown as confident in her flirting with Maxwell Lord last season. I always liked the confident nature Alex portrayed verses the awkwardness that followed Wynn and Kara (separately and towards each other.) Perhaps Kara will portray the confident one in her relationships going forward.


Either way, being Alex is lonely.

Unhand Me Priest

I don't have a problem with the Alex character being gay, interactions with Maggie have been fun so far but it does seem to have come out of nowhere. Are they making here gay just for the sake of having a gay character?


The chemistry seems natural so I'm all for it. But if they do it, I am a little worried about how potentially bad the drama behind their relationship could be as it blossoms. Especially if Maggie is going to be oblivious to Alex's attraction towards her and continuously date.


Alex should definitely be with Maggie or try ha. Kara has wynn and James and Alex can double date ha. But I think Alex gets lonely and everyone deserves someone


I'm all for it as long as they don't drag out the drama behind it. Otherwise leave it as it is.


You mean a love triangle? I am fine with it. Also I think Alex is more likely to be bisexual than just straight up homosexual.