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Sorry we missed posting the poll last week. You can Vote on your favorite member of the Justice Society


And Vote in this week's poll about how Ray Palmer will move forward





Obsidian because he's the only one that didn't talk and look the coolest. Personally I don't like any of their personalities, they're all too high and mighty.


I think Obsidian had the coolest power base but he never talked so we didn't get to know him at all. So I'm going with Commander Steel. I liked the stuff with him and his grandson and hope we will get to see more of it in the future. Wonder how he'll react to Citizen Steel?


I think Palmer will build a newer and much better suit.


I think Ray will get a new suit...eventually. We already have Firestorm, Steel and Vixen as super powered teammates, adding Ray would be overkill.


It would be cool to see ray have the suit from the comics and also If I could choose any power I would want to be a speedster one so I am never late lol and two so I can travel through time just to look at everything but not mess with it haha


I don't think the producers will want to make ray have a power. Sara and vixen both made comments about ray being useless without his suit which he proved he wasn't in the latest episode. Even tho he proved himself I think it would make it seem true if he has to get powers to help out. I think ray will just build a new, improved suit(hopefully so only he can use it)


I would go with that Ray has other things to do now besides being a suit or superpowered. I mean what you guys said he can go around and poke around the ship now (I can see that turn into conflict when he discovers the 36th compartment). Plus this might give Firestorm a bit more time to shine.


I chose obsidian as my favourite member of JSA his powers and costume are very close to the comics and i couldn't quite believe it when i first saw him on the show since in the comics he is alan scot's son. As for Ray I believe that he will for a time will remain on the ship as a support role ,maybe allowing firestorm to get out in the field more, but eventually he will get a new suit.


Id like to see him get a super power, but if they go the suit route (Which they probably will) for sure dont make it another iron man suit rip off, perhaps something comic accurate.


I imagine the show will have him go on for a while without a suit to prove to viewers "you don't need powers to be super," but I would love it if they gave him super powers to control radiation and he goes from THE Atom to Captain Atom. Even though I know they're two different people in comics


This is a perfect time and reason to give Ray an updated and better designed suit. The suit could be closer to the comics but make it more "tech"


Ray's storyline beyond being ATOM wasn't really successful in the past IMO (Kendra, meh) so I think it's fair to give it another try by forcing him out of his suit (his comfort zone) and try something different for now.