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Vote in our poll about a possible Young Justice CW show HERE




It definitely looks like they're setting up for it.


The Arrowverse is known for its world-building. If Legends is only doing a 13 episode season, maybe they could surprise us with a Young Justice 13 episode season for the spring!


With all these new characters being introduced in each of the shows, I'd say it's very much looking like they are.


It has to be please! Young Justice was so great on Netflix. Oh and btw instead of batman giving them missions they could roll it out between Arrow Flash or Supergirl every week giving them missions that would be so amazing! I really want it to happen.


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Young Justice, multiple viewings the second it hit netflix, I just think it sounds too good to be true and honestly it would pale in comparison to the animation since it set such a HIGH standard.

Greg Alan

CW doesn't need another superhero show. I would rather Netflix bring back the animated version for a third season


I know nothing about Young Justice and I am a vaguely nerdy person so CW might still be sticking to having the main name brand shows with a bunch of smaller comic book characters sprinkled in for the comics fans.


With them still trying to to ressurect the cartoon on Netlix, I don't see it happening. Maybe they're just building a roster to appear on Legends at some point.


Of course we can't know if it's going to happen but the possibility is definitely there. I also want it just because it would be really awesome.


With the cancellation of the "Titans" show on TNT there's a spot open for another group superhero show. Unfortunately if they did take it on its highly unlikely it will come anywhere close to how good the animated series is


A titans or young justice show would be a very welcome addition. Just need a Richard Grayson, or Tim Drake.