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Martian Manhunter is definitely in the right here. You never know if Superman, Supergirl or even another Kryptonian might turn on them, it's better to have it as a back-up instead of end up empty handed.


Someone should have it, just not the DEO. They just proved that their security is shit. So I'm with Superman. People are misunderstanding what happened in Ep1. He told J'onn that he trusted that HE wouldn't do anything to hurt them, but not he DEO and the PTB that could overrule him. BUT now we find out that their stash of kryptonite was stolen, and nobody said anything? Not until it was used against them? That's crazy! I get why Superman was pissed. J'onn could've at least called and told him about it. Forewarned and all that... I get why J'onn wants to have it, and I agree (forearmed and all that), but if they can't properly safeguard it, they have to give it up. I believe that Superman trusted Batman with it because Batman is a force unto himself. He doesn't have to answer to anyone, so there is no chance that someone could manipulate kryptonite's usage through him. And, ignoring the movie, I don't think Batman would use it unless he felt it was extremely warranted.

Jon Dub

Whilst I agree that keeping Kryptonite is a must, in case Kryptonians go rogue, the DEO should have informed Superman and Supergirl when their Kryptonite was stolen. Alex knew too, and she didn't tell Kara, which I was surprised about!

Unhand Me Priest (edited)

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2021-08-25 15:46:58 I think Martian Manhunter was right to keep the Kryptonite, we have already seen that Supergirl can be corrupted & they need a counter measure for that very situation. The Kryptonite is out there so if the DEO can collect and store it safely then they should, however they need to make sure it can't be stolen in future.
2016-10-19 07:14:17 I think Martian Manhunter was right to keep the Kryptonite, we have already seen that Supergirl can be corrupted & they need a counter measure for that very situation. The Kryptonite is out there so if the DEO can collect and store it safely then they should, however they need to make sure it can't be stolen in future.

I think Martian Manhunter was right to keep the Kryptonite, we have already seen that Supergirl can be corrupted & they need a counter measure for that very situation. The Kryptonite is out there so if the DEO can collect and store it safely then they should, however they need to make sure it can't be stolen in future.

Jon Dub

Yup, Agree they should keep some at hand for any eventuality where it becomes necessary. But also disagree with them for keeping the stolen Kryptonite information from Kal and Kara

Unhand Me Priest (edited)

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2023-04-27 16:36:44 The right thing to do would be to tell Superman/Supergirl about the stolen kryptonite but I'm ok with them keeping it a secret. Don't need anymore tension between Manhunter & Superman. What I was more interested in was finding out how much kryptonite was actually stolen & do Cadmus or other parties still have any?
2016-10-19 14:35:35 The right thing to do would be to tell Superman/Supergirl about the stolen kryptonite but I'm ok with them keeping it a secret. Don't need anymore tension between Manhunter & Superman. What I was more interested in was finding out how much kryptonite was actually stolen & do Cadmus or other parties still have any?

The right thing to do would be to tell Superman/Supergirl about the stolen kryptonite but I'm ok with them keeping it a secret. Don't need anymore tension between Manhunter & Superman. What I was more interested in was finding out how much kryptonite was actually stolen & do Cadmus or other parties still have any?


They are both right. Superman's point was proven quite well when the enemy was able to use Kryptonite to terrorize a city and weaken Superman and Supergirl in the process. Also if I recall correctly the only reason Supergirl went bad from the Red Kryptonite was because it was generated from the existing green kryptonite. But Martian Manhunter is also correct. Every other Kryptonian so far, besides Superman and Supergirl, have proven to be antagonists so his point is proven to be correct time and time again. Its basically the premise behind any weapon. You can use it on your enemies but it can also be potentially used against you. Superman should've realized that without Kryptonite, humanity has no defense against the bad Kryptonians if him and his cousin aren't around. So yeah, I see both of their points very easily but I have to side with the Martian Manhunter when it comes to who I agree with.