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Vote in our poll about how the rules of time travel work together in the Arrowverse HERE




I think Flash rules make more sense, but since somehow the Legends crew seem to mess even more with time than Barry they needed this rule to make the plot more flexible and give them actually a chance of fixing stuff without any consequences like giving someone a different baby


You guys must have missed that when explaining to Oliver the historian said that he was able to notice the quantum changes because of a physicist friend of his. I think his friend was showing him an experiment dealing with quantum mechanics and something went wrong. Along the lines of Bruce Banner becoming Hulk by an experiment with gamma radiation.


I think the Flash and LoT share the timeline solidifying over a certain period of time rule, at least to a degree. Barry spent 3 months in Flashpoint reality, and the memories of the original timeline started gradually fading. The way I think about it, the bigger historic events take less time to solidify (Rip mentioned that they usually have a day or two to fix it), and smaller events (I.e. Barry's mom not dying and the consequences of that) take longer (3 months). However, there is the 'time always tries to correct itself' rule in LoT, which I don't think applies to the Flash, or at least we have not seen evidence of that.


I think Eric's point of different variations of time travel should have different rules is very solid. Especially when Barry's way uses the speed force which we know works in mysterious ways so shouldn't be the same as a technology-based method.


If you think too hard about any show you can always find flaws, but with Flash and Lot I've learned to go with it and enjoy it since its so much more fun that way. I'll let you guys "think" for me regarding the time stuff.


Definitely, you can't get too deep and analytical on superhero shows or any CW show, but it's fun and they are always good topics to discuss :)


I have room for both too, but I totally get what Aaron is saying. Dr. Heywood should not be able to tell that ANYTHING is different, UNLESS there is something supernatural about him. Oliver shouldn't have known either, but he did. The Legends are traveling through time, in the SAME universe, so anything that they change in the past should be normal information for anyone in present day. I think that Flash is doing it better where that is concerned. The only person/people that should notice the differences are the people actually doing the travel. No matter how they're doing it (speedforce, waverider). It wouldn't matter so much if they weren't all in the same universe, but they are. But it is damned fun, so I'll let it go! LOL


I personally don't really care, I just watch it and enjoy it. If I think about it too much it's giving me an headache. It's just something that comes with the territory I think. Time-travel in shows and movies always has certain plotholes and faults that can't be explained. I just go with the flow.

Jon Dub

I think you guys might be confused about the whole "it takes time for the timeline to solidify" thing. Its not that it takes time for what has been changed to change, its that it takes time for people outside that timeline to be affected. Like when Barry changed the timeline in Flashpoint, it took time for the changes to solidify for Barry, but after a while as it started to do so, he started forgetting his own timeline and losing his memory of it. Same as in Legends, if someone goes to the past and kills Roy palmer for example, as a child, then it takes time for it to ripple and for our Roy to be deleted from existence. Though this does contradict The Flash season 1 finale when Eddie killed himself to defeat Reverse Flash, who was deleted from history almost immediately. So the timeline changes instantly, it just takes time for it to solidify and its effects to be felt by those outside that timeline. Like if World War 2 went on for another 2 years in real life, there is a good chance one or more of the Legends wouldn't be there on the Wave rider, since 12 million more people dying would almost certainly have had an effect on the destiny of one of those people. Thats the way I read it.


Honestly I don't think about the rules of time travel too much when I watch the shows. I like the hear you guys debate about it on your reactions and it makes me start to think about it. Overall though the shows are so fun and omg I'm so hyped for reverse flash to be in this.

Blake Northcott

Great debate guys..I am a huge fan of LOT! :)


I think that there are no rules of time travel in the arrowverse. The producers make stuff up as they go.


They only make sense because legends made that excuse that it takes time for any change to occur in a future point in time. Which is why Oliver wasn't speaking German in the first episode. Otherwise....yea it wouldn't work haha