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Do you think some form of Inhuman Terrigenesis was on display in this episode?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE:  https://blindwavellc.com/ms-marvel-1x05-full/


Chase Gardner

I am 50/50 on any inhumans/ djinn powers storyline in future marvel stuff but who else is Kamala going to fight. I don't know Ms marvel villains


I feel they were punished for trying to go back to where they were banished.


Personally, I think they’re going to introduce the concept of Inhumans at a more steady pace (same with Mutants). For one, I don’t think they can really introduce a whole class of characters into the universe like that. X-men, is one thing, cause where y’all been? But Inhumans being a product of being exposed to the Terrigan Mist feels like something that should’ve been done pre-Endgame. I don’t see them introducing anything of that scale until an Avengers movie (if ever). Tbh, I think inventing objects that are tied to the Kree or something of that nature is a good replacement method, since it allows them to carefully craft each comic Inhuman character into the MCU version.


Like, maybe this Earth’s “Inhumans” is just a subcategory used to identify people whose powers were unlocked by alien technology as opposed to it being an alien mist tech that mass unlocked the genetic potential. (I’m hoping Ms Marvel loses the bracelet or it breaks, so that it’s just used as a catalyst).


I love AoS, but this did not seem like terrigenesis to me since terrigenesis doesn't kill people. If you're not Inhuman, it has no effect, so no, not an example of terrigenesis or "failed terrigenesis" as someone said.

Red Claw

I think it's more of enchanting/magic than terragenesis. It seemed like Aisha used a spell to enchant the bangle and the Djinn lady (whos name I forgot) used a spell to seal the rift away into Kamran giving him his Power and /or using his Power to keep the Rift closed.

Andrew W

Been a while since I watched AoS, but didn't Trip die in S2 from being exposed to terrigenesis when he wasn't an Inhuman? Or was that some other Inhumans-related process?


I'm pretty sure the terrigen mist doesn't kill regular humans, it just doesn't affect them. When Inhumans in Afterlife replicated the mist, they couldn't remove the Diviner metal that held the terrigen crystals. It is that metal that kills humans, not the terrigen itself.


The Terrigen cloud which activates the inhuman gene kills mutants, although it was a unforseen consequence, perhaps they are using that plot line in this show. https://www.cbr.com/m-pox-mutant-plague-explained/


Trip died when he kicked the Diviner, trying to stop it & it exploded, sending shards of it into his chest. I'd be surprised if they used the mutant-killing angle since they haven't officially introduced either mutants nor Inhumans into the MCU yet & would be too much for non-comic readers to comprehend. It's probably more in keeping with lore they've already introduced like the incursion or Noor dimension energy, etc.


I'm staying hopeful. I'd absolutely love for the Terrigen Mist to be introduced at some point in Kamala's story, but my hope for that doesn't take away any interest for what they're doing with her abilities at this point and how it all ties into the story. I'm really loving it way more than I initially thought I would.


I think they wanted to have Ms Marvel be an inhuman but Marvel probably doesn't want to do Inhumans after the shows failiure. But things like the people becoming statues is most likely a hint towards the characters original origin from the comics


I watched Agents of Shield because of you guys and loved it So the whole time watching this show in relation to the DODC I'm like where is Mack! He would never approve of this! So my answer is yes.


I think it was just when the Noor dimension was opened part of it leaked through and the Noor activated in Kamran only, or something linked to his mom's death. I could be wrong though


I hope so I'll take any connection to AOS when one of the actors from it ever shows up in the MCU i will lose my shit