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Do you understand what's happening? Elaborate in a comment.

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-flash-8x19-full/



Yes. Joe will use the Timestone gifted him by Damien Dahrk and so sacrifice himself somehow, someway to resurrect his baby girl, Iris. Points if we get back a comic book accurate Iris who is from the far future. Oh, wait, you mean make sense of the whole Thawne fiasco? ROTFLMAO. Okay, I got my breath back, so... no. I have nothing. But wait: just a shot in the dahrk, but this finale episode will feature Meena Dhawan going over to the dahrk side. Consumed by anger and revenge Meena tears Thawne's face off. Removing his face reveals that Thawne is actually Skeletor! Or maybe he is Ralph Dibny. Pick which ever result is the most metal.


I know what happened the flash writers stole the legend's writers inspiration drugs but because Lot got cancelled the drugs have expired and it led to this weird plotline

Impulse08 Graphic Design

Yeah…the writers got into Behrad’s gummie stash. Lol The only thing I know for sure …and nothing against Tom is I want Matt back!


Thawn has become the avatar for the negative speed force. He will most likely kill the other forces and become the forever force like in the comics.

Jeff Knapp

Not a clue but anytime I get Tom Cavanagh in an episode I'm happy


Waisted opportunity to have Cavanaugh summon his inner Cage and say “Face…… off!”


Here is what I think is going on: All the Forces have their own 'avatar'. Deon for the Still Force, Bashir for Sage Force etc. For the positive forces Nora is the Avatar of the Speed Force, because of the connection of Barry & Iris toit. However the Negative Speed Force was created by Thawne. So my guess is that not Nora is, but Thawne IS the Avatar of the Negative Speed Force. Don't forget that the Negative Still Force was already working with Reverse-Flash in the Armageddon-arc. Now why is this not Matt Letscher, but Tom Cavanaugh-Thawne? Remember back in Season Six when the 'spirit' of Reverse-Flash visited Nash Wells, because he was the only Wells remaining after Crisis. I am guessing that made Wells the new default Avatar of the Negative Speed Force. Especially considering Letscher-Thawne was already dead and cut off from the Negative Speed Force by then. after Legends Season 2. And why the sacrifice of Iris? Because Iris had the Negative Tachyons inside of her after her trip into the Still Force in Armageddon. Sacrificing her would free these tachyons and give the Negative Speed Force enough power to resurrect and free Wells-Thawne. I think this would explain a lot, although not everything


No clue whats going on but it was so fucking unexpected and twisted that i loved it. Can't wait though how they gonna explain this. I really like Bart and Nora but please god if there is one I hope Iris stays dead. Everytime she is on the screen its somehow automatically getting boring. The only time its not is when she dies :)


I just binged to catch up on the last 4 episodes and im very tired, so no, not at all. Strength force girls arms be going crazy tho. I'm glad they didn't do the CGI monster again.


Yes totally but I refuse to explain it to other people