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And also tell us your favorite moment from the episode in the comments below.



Rogue Agent

Mine was Vegeta and Yamcha going at it with each other. I like how everyone treats Vegeta.


Cell being Cell


The shirtless Vegeta moment :P

Stoned Volus

One that I loved was just seeing Cell take over the TV station. It's one of those scenes from the original show that always stood out to me for some reason. I'm not sure why, but I remember it very vividly.


*cell slaps Chichi* Gohan - "Oh thank god"


Chichi telling vegeta to not make her come over there

Doctorwhoinfinity (Dor Cohen)

A few actually The bird program in 16 The Bruce faulconer music And the spoiler I won't be listening


Mine was how salty vegeta was that everybody was coming for him. And the master roshii scene after cells announcement


Why did u take off your shirt?

Ryan Hopkins

My favorite is "It doesn't bother me. it doesn't bother me. It bothers me. It's bothering me. AND THAT ONE'S STILL GREEN!"

Marcelo Eloy Pierre Jorge

Oh, Gohan's dream for sure... I remember that scene so well and goku's face got me completely off guard!