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What do you think is going on with this brush?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-flash-8x06-full/



Didn't even think of the time sickness option, so I'm sticking with the time shenanigans of the duo. But come on...Booster Gold in Flash too!


Come on guys, I think it's pretty obvious what this is all about.. Clearly, Joe's hair care is so extreme that he has grown an ability to manipulate time, so he altered the timeline and removed any unnecessary uses of various hair products that have appeared throughout his entire lifetime. I call it.. JOE-POINT. Meh, doesn't really roll off the tongue too well. I guess I'll just go with Iris' time sickness.


I feel it has to be the time sickness with Iris cause she has to be pregnant by now with the twins otherwise idk what else it could be. & didn’t Dio and her help with the Reverse Flash time stuff last time ?


it is the flash screwing up no the legends screwing up no nora and bart screwing up the timeline darn kids and their time traveling.


Bart and Nora have definitely caused a problem. The problem is that my enjoyment of this show plummets whenever those walking cringe fests come on screen.


My vote is Iris’s time sickness so hopefully they’ll finally address it instead of being the perpetual tease that it’s been for like a year now. Also love Aaron’s “Deon Snap”, he should audition to be Deon’s understudy lol.


It's probably related to iris's sickness


i think its barry fault, when barry use the Particle eradication distributor or P.E.D to stop the Reverse FlashPoint. I think the P.E.D is still erasing anomalies in the timeline.

Kevin Bartelen

The green on the brush was the same as the green time wave that alerted Nora and Bart to the timeline change in the first place so I'm saying it was something they did.


I think it's pretty obviously related to Iris' time sickness. If you watch the scene with the brush more closely, you'll see that I haven't watched this show in years and have no idea what's going on, but still wanted to be part of the conversation.


Iris' time sickness still isnt something we fully understand. Its been going on since season 7 and hasnt been resolved also in the beginning of season 8 we saw iris going to 'an appointment' with deon so its clearly still an issue


I really hope it’s not Iris’ time sickness that still doesn’t make sense but that’s what I think it’ll be (sigh)


The brush probably disappeared because it touched Iris' hair, and it will be revealed that red hair is this season's villain. Team flash will have to travel the multiverse making sure that redheads no longer exist anywhere


I don’t know


I would guess Nora and Bart did something that make this happen. I am especially 'worried' about what Avery might have learned and wants to achieve to meet Bart again


Didn't even think of the time sickness but I rather that then Nora and Bart. The time sickness feels like a wierd story device that wasn't fully explained.

rickie woodson

could be something else but im going with bart and nora. the energy looked like the still force energy not iris' black energy stuff. they (bart and nora) did change a few things so knows how that has affected the present. i really suspect the major issue is the scientist girl. now that she KNOWS time travel is not just a theory, whats to stop her from trying to build a time machine and then tampering with time? and maybe im over thinking this but: iris' hair is different, killer frost and chill blaine are officially a couple and allegra is dating someone we havent met. this all seems new to me (i could have missed some of these things via conversation) so to me some obvious changes have happened to our main timeline


It has to be time sickness! ELSE WHAT THE HELL DID WE WASTE A SEASON ON IT FOR?! PS. I’ve been a patreon subscriber for quite a while now but this is the first time I’ve commented on anything. Just wanted to say that you guys are my favourite reactors and content creators on youtube. Keep up the great content and excited for 1 mil subscribers this year. I too have seen the future


It her time sickness remember what Deon said in Armageddon event if I undo your treatment your going to start moving in & out of timeline or worse.


I'm thinking it's related to Iris since whenever time shenanigans happened with Bart and Nora, those particles weren't there. On an unrelated note, it kind of sucks that they just had Thawne come back as the villain of the last arc because it would've been really cool as well as made total sense for Thawne to show up in this last episode since it took place in 2013. It would also be one of the rare times it wouldn't be weird that he is using Well's face.


I didn't remember the time sickness thing so since you reminded me, I'm saying that probably more likely than the duos shenans. I love the little Booster Gold drop, especially when they see it, Nora says, "Who's Booster Gold?" 'cause his comic was called "The Greatest Hero You've Never Heard Of! BOOSTER GOLD" In his comic, he was traveling through time with The Time Masters and Rip Hunter (his dad), fixing things that went wrong with the timeline. Kinda like what The Legends do. Not as goofy, but still a bit goofy.