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What is the one thing you can consume, that someone can offer you, and you'll always invite them in? Comment what it is below.

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-walking-dead-11x11-full/



Someone says "I brought you a milkshake" like okay cool Someone says "I brought pizza" come right in


If someone brings a bottle of over $200 scotch they are very much welcome


Chocolate chip cookies 🍪


Don’t know if this counts as inviting them in but if they bring a knuckle sandwich I think they’re coming in regardless


I have to choose a certain food because if someone offers me a water or soda I would say no, but if they offer me a ham meal come right in.


Neither! Only if someone offers me unlimited access to early Blind Wave content they are allowed in!


I picked drink because I'm trying to get food to 69😎

Miss Timi Fantastico

A freshly baked warm pie. Or a pizza. Or cookies. If it’s round and made of gluten I want it.


You wont understand because its a New Jersey thing, but Taylor Ham. A good Taylor Ham, Egg, and Cheese on a bagel.


Literally anything will do for me

Vonnie Stewart

i'm an unabashed wineho...freaking IT/pennywise could get me in the sewer grate with Cabernet lmao

Big Mike

Water is life


Beer. If you show up with beer, you’re in.

Alexa Chipman

If you showed up with actual Champagne (not sparkling wine).


I’m not caught up on the walking Dead yet but this poll intrigued me Lol definitely Food and it has to be Jelly Donut


Chocolate fondants, or crêpes (french version of pancakes ;) ). Or even a bunch of french pastries, if they know me they probably picked my favorites - but just an example for you : croissant, chocolatine, cannelés, chocolate éclair ... Or i could settle for a good old mcdonald's


Delizza Eclairs Belgian Cream Puffs. That is all.


I always enjoy when my friends come round so we can sit in the garden and drink a few too many beers. Beer solves everything. If you're sad, Beer. If you're happy, Beer. Beer!


a six pack of beers would defiantly make me let someone in, always down for a talk over a beer.


I dont know why but Pecan Pie gets me everytime.


I would grant someone access inside if they brought spicy chicken burritos but if they don’t bring extra sour cream on the side that’s unforgivable so SEEYA!