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Is there "Mayor" a character we know?

Watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-book-of-boba-fett-1x01-full/


Matthew Cronin

I’ve never heard of a single mayor in Star Wars


Someone we know probably


Most likely a new character as a threat for Boba and his underworld.


What, you mean you don't know the mayor of Mos Espa from old canon or something Eric? I'm disappointed.


Maybe Cobb, but I am really hoping for Cad Bane.

Jordan Malloy

I think we’re gonna focus on mostly new characters. It’s already a show about Boba Fett. We can’t focus TOO much on established characters. I feel like the Mayor is a fresh face.


Probably a new character but I can see them dropping the surname of the mayor and he/she turns out to be related to someone we know.

Eli HS

i’m guessing it’s the ithorian from the trailers. it would be crazy if he’s Momaw Nadon or Dok Ondar!


Aunt Beru faked her death and rose through the criminal and political underworld, starting small selling blue milk and farmed moisture until she had an empire and influence. There will be a new spinoff in 2023 charting her rise to power. Beru: Out of Ashes.


It’s someone we don’t know, but Boba will get help from someone we know to defeat the Mayor. Maybe Boba will even put together a crew of bounty hunters we have seen before.

William Russell

I'm guessing it's someone new, but I don't think the mayor will be the real adversary of Book of Boba. He might be for the first season, but I think he could be a pawn of the real bad. A lot of people are hoping we could be seeing Crimson Dawn coming back, maybe even Qi'ra coming back, but that might be a stretch.

Daniel R

I loved all the flashbacks to Attack of the Clones!

Nikolai Stoykov .

The mayor is the Ithorian in the trailer saying “i’ve heard that you sit on the throne of your former employer”, you can see his “assistant” to the left in that same shot in the trailer :)


The mayor was mentioned too many times without a name for it not to be someone we know! I wanna say Cad Bane because The Bad Batch brought him back, Boba and him have history, and it would be sick to have a live action version of that duel between Bane and Boba.


If its Cad Bane, I'm gonna bust a nut


someone we don’t know


Not gonna lie asking tribute from the new crime boss does sound like the typical “good business” of a certain pirate


I think it can be qi'ra or someone unknown that has connections to someone we may know. Because I can't see Embo being the mayor, but if the mayor pays Embo or another bounty hunter or multiple to take out Boba and Fennec that would seem more plausible.


I know that this is probably a long shot but what if the Mayor is Watto


I'm hoping for someone new like canon Prince Xizor but I voted for someone we know cause I want Hondo Ohnaka as Mayor or a certain red eyed bounty hunter Cad Bane would be amazing


could it be Malakili???


I need to see Hondo in live action, so i'm hoping he is the mayor


Ben Quadinaros. Obviously.


There's only one logical creature who can be the mayor: Watto.

Angel Groves

I'm thinking their mayor is someone new, but is associated to somebody we already know.

Tony Ramos

Is there suppose to be a mystery? It's that Ithorian from the trailer


It's a LONG SHOT but I'm hoping for representation for the greatest tund in the galaxy Ben Quadinaros. He's my all time favorite podracer!!!! Either him or Ark 'Bumpy' Roose!!!! Please disney bring bang podracing!!!!


I'm betting on Cad Bane


Definitely a gonk droid


Any characters we already know deserve better than Tattooine. Why would anyone choose to live there let alone aspire to be mayor of its second best town?

Reece Hart

Part of me wants to see the mayor be an old disillusioned Clone


Please be Jabbas son, Rotta the Hutt (aka Stinky/Punky Muffin)


Best bet for characters we do know that I can think of is hopefully rotta jabas son but if it’s someone new Itd be interesting if it was someone with some kind of connection to Jango or the clones in some way maybe this’ll be where omega comes back outside the clone wars


Just watch, it's gonna be Jabba's emo punk band nephew from Star Wars Visions


What if it's an adult Omega? Boba finally meets his sister?

Chase Gardner

It's a live action pirate Hondo Ohnaka! For mayor.


Dammit guys! The mayor is Mok Shaiz. 8D8 introduces the Twi’lek majordomo as “His Excellency Mok Shaiz Mayor of Mos Espa” before he corrects him


They actually say who the mayor is in this episode when 8D8 accidentally introduces the majordomo as "His excellency Mok Shaiz Mayor of Mos Espa and its surrounding plateaus".

Michael Jefferson

Someone pointed this out on Twitter, did you notice the green Twi'lek from the Sanctuary has cone ears instead of the humanoid ears males usually have? And no visible forehead bumps? Even though we couldn't see them, neither the Majordomo this episode nor the brother from The Prisoner had cone ears coming out of their caps. Could be a costuming mistake but either way, trans Twi'lek? https://twitter.com/sandstarbound/status/1476120891524194310/photo/1


Pizza the Hutt.


In the trailer, we can see an Ithorian sitting on some kind of throne; can he be the mayor?


Wouldn’t it be some shit if it was Weasel!!!


Not related to the poll but Sam Witwer voices the rodian in episode one

Alexa Chipman

I don't think it will be someone we know, but either way I really want Cad Bane to show up at some point!


Are you guys forgetting that they showed the Mayor in the episode? It's MAX REBO


yo dudes... it's Mok Shaiz.