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Do you think Dexter makes it out alive this season?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/dexter-new-blood-1x08-full/



No i think he dies and Harrison lives

Trevor Darnell

Yes. It would be very foolish to kill Dexter off. Harrison is very unlikable right now and having him be the main star would be major turn off for this show, for me at least.


If he does make it out of this season alive I doubt he will be living in Iron Lake anymore


Im thinking he doesn’t while completely hoping he does


I feel if your going to kill Dexter off. you do it after season 2 it gives us time to know harrison and gives Dexter time to fully impart the code onto Harrison. and allows dexter to be known to harrison Plus the returning charcter dies in the sequel has been done a ton and its kinda cliche now


If this is the last season, probably. If they have plans of another season, they can't because they'd be killing him and Deb.


I think the final scene of the season will show Harrison stalking his kill, then dexter will show up and talk to him about the code the way Harry’s ghost did for dexter


I doubt there will be more seasons. I'm guessing Dexter dies and the son gets away. Hinting that his son continues his legacy, but that there wont be a spin-off series for him.


I think in order to satisfy the fans they need to let him live and I could definitely see them making another season.


I hope he lives and they continue the series..


Sucks that she connected ketamine to the miami murders when dexter never even used ketamine he actually used etorphine you’d think that for the huge smoking gun they’d get that detail right


I agree with Aaron. From a storytelling standpoint it would make more sense for Dexter to die and pass on his "legacy" to Harrison. It also give the opportunity to continue the show if Michael C Hall decides to leave. (It would be awesome to have him as a dark passenger though so I hope not)


I’m thinking Dexter survives by somehow evading the suspecting Angela either through someone killing her or him faking his death (again), while also teaching Harrison the code as a final send off for dexter as he departs the series alive and well


How many shows kill the title character?


Dexter really needs to stop being rusty and have another good solid go's at killing before he has any kind of respectable send off

Bunny Norris

🤞🏽He’s got a lot to teach Harrison.


Alive yes, but I fear he might get arrested.