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What do you think is Harrison's main motivation in running away?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/dexter-new-blood-1x05-full/



I think he is scared that dexter will find out about him


Probably a mix of both maybe he's noticed a bit of a dark side of him which is why he questioned Dexter about the letter from Hannah. As a side-effect it may cause more trust issues with him and Dexter.

Mama Browsss

I think Harrison is on the run from some bad stuff he did while in foster care, if he was ever really in foster care at all. There’s lots to find out about his past, he has some skeletons in his closet for sure…


Was Harrison returned to the US as Harrison Morgan? Or is he not using that surname? Because three years ago Aster would have been 22, Cody 20. As adult blood relatives they would have been contacted to act as guardians for Harrison. Maybe Dexter should check to see if they're still alive.


I think Kurt got angry because his ritual envolves some kind of taxidermy, and he shot her in the face. We had scenes where the bodies were being cleaned and also with a tube replacing the blood.

Bunny Norris

Harrison’s afraid to admit the truth to himself.


I think Harrison is ashamed of who he is, and feels like no one would understand him. When his father is the ONE person that actually would!! I'm also worried that he'll confide in Audrey rather than Dexter


I think Audrey was not worried about Harrison saying his father is not really named Jim because she believed that, it freaked her out more 'cause she thought he was not connecting to reality anymore. She was thinking, "Oh shit, he's REALLY fucked up. He's not making any sense." Angela, on the other hand, saw connections.


I personally think its a bit of both. He seems a bit ashamed and that his father might not want anything to do with him after he finds out. However, he is a teenager after all, mood swings are common. SIDE-NOTE: The voice you hear in the ending song of this episode (ep 5) was actually Michael C. Hall singing! His band "Princess Goes To The Butterfly Museum" produced it, called "Ketamine" (fitting that its the ending song to an episode where both Harrison and Dexter's victim overdose).


I feel that Harrison didn’t want to acknowledge his inner darkness until he met with Kurt who told him to stop running from his “rage”

Björn Petersen

It was Michael C. Hall singing in the end of the episode. The song is called "Ketamine"