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What do you think of the Arby's ad campaign: "If it doesn't have meat in it, it's not a sandwich!"?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/doom-patrol-3x07-full/



One of my favourite sandwiches is egg salad. Checkmate Arbys. We don't even have you in England.


Do I agree with their ad? No. But if we're asking if it's dumb or not, I also have to say no. It's an ad campaign. If people remember it and talk about it, it has served it's purpose successfully, which it seems to have done. PB & Honey sandwiches for life!


1) It's dumb. Many sandwiches don't have meat. 2) What's an Arby's and why are they harassing veggie sandwiches?


if it doesn't have at least 3 different types of meat it's not a sandwich.


What the Hell is going on in Doom Patrol?!?!


No not dumb. Speaking of ads Adman Wally Sage created the Flex Mentallo cartoon ad as mentioned in Flex Patrol.


I love grilled cheeses. But still chose No for it being dumb. Though every time I think Arby’s , I think Jon Stewert’s hilarious mocking of them.

John Davis

Ad was good enough to warrant a poll, so I think I have to choose it's not dumb, since it's working.


There’s no Arby’s in Australia but I still feel confident saying it’s dumb.


What in the hell happened in tonight's episode of Doom Patrol😧


DUMB!!!!!!!, this isn't twitch but Aaron has to do 10 pushups for saying it's not dumb.


When I first saw the email confirmation for the poll I thought you meant fathers sisterhoods ad campaign and autocorrect messed up the question as I have no idea what an Arby’s is being from England but regarding the ad campaign it’s not dumb because you remember it so you think about Arby’s a lot meaning you will be more likely to go and eat their sandwiches.

Chaos T



It's undoubtedly dumb. I mean the statement not only is easily proven wrong it is also far too dismissive of people's sandwich preferences. In their defense though, I don't think they ever thought that the slogan would be scrutinized in the manner that it has

Alex the Patron

I hoppe that all members of dada will survive and either exist as a crossover group or become a part of the doom patrol. Maybe our newborn favorid filmstar will become our new leader?!


Grilled cheese? PB&J? Egg salad sandwich? I get trying to sell your meat filled sandwiches, but that is no excuse for denying the diverse reality of sandwiches!


Everytime i think Burger King has the worst fast food, I then remember Arby's exist.


Hey, we're all talking about it aren't we?? Seems like pretty effective advertising. Those motherless bastards


Its dumb. Stay away Eric, especially in Columbus. I haven't seen the whole discussion but I'm assuming that was brought up. Edit: It wasn't brought up!!!! You clearly don't believe in fortune cookies.


I voted dumb because they got rid of their potato cakes... so arby's is dead to me.


So dumb. PB&J. Grilled Cheese. Classic sandwiches enjoyed by millions if not billions, and no meat required.


I think they chose this poll to confuse non americans as much as the last episode confused everyone