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Thank you to every Patron helping us out here at Blind Wave. We are gearing up on a great summer of content and hope that you guys are as well.

One thing that we will be doing is our Patreon QNA. In this video we are taking questions from ONLY our Patrons.

Post your questions HERE in the comments below.

Ask us about anything: Favorite shows, What we have planned, what our favorite color is. What ever you want to ask us is fair game.

We will be taking as many questions as we can and creating a video answering these questions. Hopefully we will get to answer every question. But some questions don't really generate great conversations, some questions have already been answered, and some questions we just don't have an answer to.

Make the best questions you can think of, or think of something you would love to know about us and lets have a fun QNA round this month.

Again thank you to everyone who has pledge and we will be rolling out more content, especially early for those with early access. 

Thank You.



Email them to you or just post them in the comments here?


Just a boring plain question :P What cars (make/model) do you guys/girls drive?


What is your weirdest quirk(s)?

Keyboard Junkie

What inspired you to go into Filmmaking? -- Clint from Hawaii.


I hear you guys make references to the show Spartacus, which I absolutely loved by the way. What are your general thoughts about the series? Favorite fights, characters, scenes? Gratitude!


Do you guys have periodic blind wave team meetings to go over future reaction content, weekly recording schedules and/or responsibilities within the group? Or is the process much more informal between you guys.


How is the archery going? As a field archer myself, it's easier if you paint a bright stripe under the nocking so you can see it!


Eric and Calvin – What are the qualities you look in a girl (for marriage I mean). Aaron and Shane – how did you propose your wife?


I know you guys are huge Star Wars fans like myself. So which Star Wars movie so far is your favorite and why?


What does zoom eat to counteract burning so many calories? Also when will zoom get to slap the flashes face into the speedforce?


What one thing would you change about each member of the blind wave crew.


Hey guys been reallly busy. We will answer your questions soon we have more content coming out the wazooooo


How about What's each of your favorite quality(ies) about each member of Blind Wave?


What are each of your dream jobs? Other than full time Blind Wave channel.


What are each of your top 3 favorite movies?


I like Vienna sausages and I blow bubbles with my tongue into the air - Shane


Star Wars for sure then after that, the desire to craft our own stories- Shane


Errick has finished the series and absolutely loved it calling the finale "some of the finest television ever". I loved what I have seen and I watched till Andy passed away. I need to catch up for sure. Great acting and great fights for sure


We definitely meet to discuss things periodically and schedule stuff. As friends though it's pretty informal and sometimes one of us will be like "hey the show is awesome or this trailer is awesome; let's watch it". if we have have any requests from viewers it'll definitely influence us. - Shane


What did you guys want to do when you were younger? (career wise)


Desert Island: You're stuck on an island for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, and you get to bring the following of your choice: 3 Movies, 3 Books, 3 Songs, 3 Food Items, and 1 Miscellaneous Items (like a family photo, video game, favorite toy, etc)


What kind of Blind Wave original films are you guys thinking about? You've shown us some clips that look kinda Romantic-Comedy-ish.


Who's your favorite character from any Mario game?


do you think chloe bennet should do another music video (chloe wang)

Edwin B

Aaron what or who made you get into twitch streaming?