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Is "Mindy" Rita?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/doom-patrol-3x03-full/



No mindy is different

Dr. Bobcat

I can't say my reason for the option I picked


Did they see the pilot mid credit scene


There’s mid credit scene that they with watch which is I think important


They've said they're not interested in it anymore. After those 2 seasons I can see why. But if S3 gets a lot of talk they might consider it.


This is unrelated to the poll but I wanted to say during the QnA and didn’t have enough time but it’s been confirmed that HBO Max and Warner Bros ordered a Pilot episode for the Dead Boy Detectives, and depending how well it receives it will get a whole season what do you guys think about it?


Nothing to do with the poll but you said about them liking getting supernatural actors. The show runner was also the show runner for supernatural in seasons 8 to 11 and they have a couple of the writers


mindy different person


It’s Doom Patrol it’s somehow going to be both and a third option we didn’t even think possible


Thinking some kind of doppelganger/future self. They did mention sensing Rita in the living world, saying it wasn't normal. That's probably why she was the only one that stayed conscious when everyone else didn't.


Yes they did, in the 3x2 reaction. Before starting the 2nd episode.


I thought I knew the answer (die to who she was cast as) but with how this show is they could change it and I could be wrong.


I'd watch the shit out of that show, I think the episode did a great job getting me hooked


I agree with Aaron, the timing of "Mindy" leaving the time machine at the end of episode 1 and the machine's appearance in episode 2 makes me think it's two different people. My assumption is that it's a time loop, with Rita coming back in episode 2 to make sure that they all die to protect the events that followed. But this is Doom Patrol, so how the hell could we predict it


The psychic chick with the detective boys, when communing, said that Rita was somehow both dead, and not dead at the same time. This could be explained if there are two of them in the same timeline, and one was dead and one was not. Could also be the reason she did not pass out on the boat at the start of the episode.

rickie woodson

OMG the brotherhood of evil!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean i knew they were coming this season but not so soon! I LOVE THEM!!!!