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Have you ever been to a party where the cops were called?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/what-if-1x07-full/



Basically every high school party in my hometown would get the cops called when the neighbors want everyone to go home

Aaron Gauntt

Thanks for reminding me that I got arrested after prom lol


As a former college student, the cops have ruined many nights for me.


Not the cops but an ambulance got called to one


Yes, think of the monkeys in the kitchen scene from Jumanji. It looked very similar 😂


Yes brothers friend threw party at our place and cops made us pick up the trash in neighborhood.

Adam Burt

Back when I was 16 we went from one party to another with the entire intention of stealing drinks. Cops rolled up so we grabbed what we could and bailed out the back.


was hoping the poll was going to be "Would you marry Howard the Duck?" and we'd see 100% voted on YES


I threw a Halloween/Birthday party for my friend about 4 years ago and we all dressed up and a bunch of people started fighting with my lightsabers outside and the Police showed up at my front door and I walked up and looked outside at 5 police cars and saw that they had surrounded my house. They told me that someone called because they thought there was a brawl at my house. When I told them that it was a bunch of people fighting with lightsabers the cop at my door asked, “real lightsabers?” I laughed and actually had to tell him that they were indeed fake. He asked that we just calm down. So I had to go outside and tell my friends who were all in their late twenties to put the toys away lol


Do you go to parties?


Kinda. Once when I was at a party when I was 4 or 5 me and some kids were playing around and called the cops.

Daniel Sessions

Yup freshman year of college, at a frat party, only one I ever went to. But I was done with that party long before the cops were called


I was a geek/nerd in High School and went to an IT college, let's just say I was not a "cool" kid. No parties for me except for LAN parties with my gamer friends.

Billy THE KID Lawrence

Back in 2013, my co-workers & I snuck into an apartment complex pool after hours to party & swim. Naturally, the cops were called. The cops asked what we were doing sneaking into a pool at night. Swimming, we told them. They let us go, & my co-workers had the genius idea of sneaking into a different complex’s pool right after. My girlfriend, her sister, & I opted to go to Steak N’ Shake instead. While at Steak N’ Shake, the officers who questioned us walked in & definitely noticed us, chuckling a bit. Then, almost as soon as they chuckled about seeing us again almost immediately after the pool incident, the officers got called to duty once more. Minutes later, I found out the SAME officers had once again had to question my co-workers with a final warning at the other complex. I always think of what must have been going through those officers’ heads. Hahahaha.


Nope. Parties are dumb. I'd rather chill in my cave all day watching Blind Wave reactions- Wait... Did I just get set up?

Joel S

We're all a bunch of nerds, what do you think?


My former roommate was in a frat. We had a massive living room, so our place became the designated party house. The cops and fire Marshall were called on multiple occasions.


Oh you guys did NOT just imply the Amish don't party. You guys better watch it; I'm OHIO Amish so I can hitch up the buggy and be down there in a week, two tops.


Aside from the poll, there was a joke on the last poll about Vulture and Ultron being Vultron, but with the ending of this episode wouldn't Vision and Ultron still be Vultron? Just something cool I thought of.


Yes it was back in high school. Unfortunately it was my friend's first house party. The cops showed up every one took off running and my friend shit his pants.. hasn't been to a party since. Poor guy lol.


A lot of assumptions that I go to a lot of parties.


I was having a party and it was overflowing out of my apartment. Police were called but after handcuffing one of my girlfriends (because she begged them) The police stayed and partied for about an hour

Erich Bomke

Psh, I was at a party that they busted the doors in and swarmed the place because someone reported that a fugitive was seen entering the house.


Thor : “Hammerang!” Me being an idiot: hehe cuz he’s Australian.


No, But senior year of high school me and my one friend sent the rest of my friend group to this party to grab some alcohol. 30 mins later I get a phone call from my friend telling me the cops shows up they ran and got away and grabbed some alcohol but they needed us to pick them up at a church that was down the street from the party.

Jon Nelson

Cops always got called on parties in our neighborhood, but we knew the woods so well, part of the fun was hiding from them in the woods, till they left, then going back and continue to party!

Vonnie Stewart

i went to college in miami, of course i did lmao! a frat party i went to freshman year, where i tried vodka for the first time and got LIT, had the cops called and my friends were trying to drag my 17 yo clearly underage self away but i wanted to find my crush and kept asking every guy we passed if he was Mike and if i could have a kiss, even a cop lmao. it's any wonder i didn't get in trouble

rickie woodson

i dont go to parties so............unless you caught our movie/tv reaction jams. they are the hardest i ever party lol. juice and fast food and good buds? sounds like a party to me

Jeanette C

Yes actually, I was attending a backyard wedding and the neighbors called the cops for a noise violation because of the DJ. The cops were pretty chill once they saw the bride and understood what was going on, just told us to keep it down


yes, for a friend's bachelor party we were hanging out on the back deck and people across the lake called the cops for a noise complaint against us. the two cops came and were super cool and took pictures with us


no because I ain’t a party animal


Not a surprise that so many people said no... Technology has changed things so that people actually don't go out and go to wild parties when they are young and stupid.


I was at a chill frat party that was far away from the center of town. The music wasn’t even loud, but the neighbors called the cops. I went to a rowdy frat party prior that was right next to the college, it was too crazy so my friends and I left; no cops called. One was a Black fraternity and the other was not. This was over a decade ago.


It’s not a party if you don’t fear for your life at least twice


Narrowly dodged that call more times than I can remember, but never actually had them called. I consider that a win/win! Calling parents however... no comment =\


I was a good boy in high school


I’ve been to a party where the police were called from inside the party. Everyone had left by the time the police showed up, so there was no longer a party to break up, so the cops just left. Since the cops just left without any fines or arrests, the partygoers who snuck off to a neighbor’s house, snuck back across the street and continued the party.


Kinda? I was hanging out with some friends in my apartment and there was a knock on the door. I yelled 'come in!' and there was a long pause before another round of loud knocks. I yelled louder 'COME IN!' ...in walk three cops, They easily see alcohol and a room full of underage college kids. I bolt upright and ask if I could help them. They just shook their heads and told us to turn down the TV. Always lock your doors and never openly invite strangers into your home. Lesson learned.


Yes one time in D&D we had break into a reporters office to give them a story but we started a fire ohh you mean actual party then no I never got inviged

Matthew Juttner

What can I say? Australian Parties go pretty hard


Since I don't go to parties that would escalate that hard, no, I have not.


Social interaction makes me uncomfortable


Yes me and my friends were having a small party in the forest and the cops showed up, they looked at us and said carry on and then just walked away. Me and my group have never went back to that spot again.


Nah! Only been to normal parties.


yes and I got away Mwahahahahahahahah!


I mean who hasn't watched a drug dealer get stabbed while on acid


Yes...technically..... One of my friends had a birthday party, and he called a cop to come over; the cop was a lady who had been a stripper in her younger days, and she also happened to be a distant relative of the Birthday Boy's wife (who was cool with all of this, by the way), and the ex-stripper, now cop, decided to do the Birthday Boy a favor, and come over in her cop uniform to entertain us, his guests, (and entertain him, as well, I suppose). Nothing crazy happened there; the girl did her show (and earned some pretty hefty tips for it, from what I was told later), then she put on her uniform again, hung out for a while, we all had some beers and played some poker - regular, not strip - and then she left... but I did manage to get her number, and me and her had a couple of dates, before we both moved on and split very amicably. 😊


Yes, we would have Bonfires so big that even though we call the fire department ahead of time, the neighbors would call the fire department and the cops had to come too to talk to us because the fire engine couldn't make it down our driveway, also a few times for noise complaints because we would have ATV's and Mud trucks in our yard.


I may have never had the cops called on any of my parties due to properly warming my neighbors and even inviting them but I have had the cops called on me a few times for "partying" by myself all night. Turns out a lot of YouTubers like to talk quietly into their mics then scream at random times(cough cough) which my neighbors don't seem to like


A lot of funny stories in this comment section. Quick question: What the hell is a party?


I used to have Thanksgiving parties with my family where we'd set off fireworks at the end of the night. It was always a running joke that "oh, the cops might show up" but they never did. Then, a couple years ago, my grandmother got too old to stay in the house we always used, so everyone got together for one last Thanksgiving before she had to move out and sell the place. I mean everyone. There were 40 people there. And halfway through the fireworks show that night, low and behold, the cops showed up, for the first time. Luckily they were cool about it. They pretty much hinted that we should keep setting off fireworks after they left. I guess they already had to spend Thanksgiving working, and they didn't really want to spend that time bothering a family celebrating


It was winter in upstate NY by the way, so there was snow everywhere. No chance of starting a fire. We were being responsible


It was a girls night. we were loud. we were proud. and I plead the fifth. hahaha.

Chris D. Jones

Yes and the only reason I didn’t get caught underage drinking was because at the time I didn’t know u needed a bottle opener to open a corona. I was one of the few people to pass the breathalyzer and go home even tho I was extremely high.


What’s a party? 😂


No, I live in Australia, you gotta get seriously out of control before the cops get called cos no one is Aus gives a fuck


At most parties I´ve been to the cops have been called... But Austrian cops are pretty chilled concerning noise complaints so no big deal


Never been to a party.


Called it, by the way.