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Which MCU Villain's motivation and reasoning do you think you understand or sympathize with the most?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction to this episode HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/what-if-1x06-full/



Wenwu, super easy question.


Killmongers plan is grounded so I can get behind it


Zemo… Nuff Said.


The full length is locked for me but I’m a raw rider patron.


Kingpin! Wait is it still MCU anymore? Then Wenwu, wait you guys haven't watched Shang-Chi. Zemo, that's it.


Zemo being so cultured, being anti supremacy and staying true to his convictions is why he is the most likable villian in the MCU even tho he did so many terrible things.


After seeing shang chi, Wenwu without a doubt

Jordan Malloy

An answer to just be different: Karli Morgenthau. She just didn’t want survivors of The Blip to be disadvantaged & thrown to the curb simply because they happened to not get randomly snapped.


If you consider the fact that Wanda is technically the villain in WandaVision, then I personally think Scarlet Witch is the most sympathetic villain in the MCU


Zemo all the way, at least he is genuinely doing it out of care for humanity. Kill monger at the end of the day is just another person that disguises his power hungry desire with "noble" intentions.


Hela because I just want death


Bucky/Winter Soldier. He was forced to be the villain for decades, after almost dying while trying to do the right thing, and now he's going to spend the rest of his life atoning for things he had no control over. There are certainly many tragic characters in the MCU, but I can't think of a more tragic figure that's currently in the MCU.


Thanos’s plan makes no sense. He kills off half of all life, which means he’s also halving much of the world’s needed resources. Not only that but the reality is we have plenty of resources on the planet, but we don’t distribute it evenly. So I’ve never found him really compelling, and his ‘love’ for Gamora doesn’t make him a well rounded character either. His plan has no logic, he tortures Nebula, and kills countless people in the name of his nonsense plan. Definitely not sympathetic motivations.


Zemo, Killmonger, than probably Vulture. Zemo dose it because he thinks it's best for humanity, Killmonger does it to stop oppression (in a very extreme way) and Vulture does it for his family, all reasons that make sense. But Thanos... it is genocide and NOT very efficient

Chaos T

His plan also dooms all the endangered species and probably kills off most of the threatened species. I thought it was a horrible decision for Feige to clarify post Infinity Wars release that it was all life; not sentient life. It changed how I viewed Thanos and his plan.

Chaos T



Adrian Toomes / The Vulture was just trying to provide for his family and employees (atleast at first)!


Yellowjacket, clearly the superior villain out of all of them


Killmonger had one of the most grounded background and motivations I’ve seen in a superhero movie and even in Black Panther he’s right about almost everything that motivates him to the extent that it forces T’Challa to change his mind and open Wakanda to the rest of the world


honestly zemo or vulture they are the most reasonable without having serious issues killmonger who wants revenge or thanos who kills half of all life. Vulture and zemo is doing something bad with good intentions


Wenwu (can't wait for y'all's reaction to Shang-Chi)




Malekith the Accursed because I know no one else will pick him or mention him


Definitely Ghost from Ant-Man and the Wasp, the only ‘villain’ so wonderfully un-‘villainous’ that they flipped it before the end of their first movie. Otherwise, Nebula ✨


Killmonger... I'm black tho soo I might be a bit biased

Kevin Bartelen

Tony when he was the villain of Civil War

Harrison Allen

I wouldn’t really call Tony a villain in civil war though just an opposing viewpoint. An antagonist to captain America but not a villain or evil. Because that would mean captain America would be a villain if you side with Tony. But there really just opposing viewpoints.


He Who Remains definitely has the most reasonable motivation. He just wanted to protect the timeline from the evil versions of himself.


Killmonger is the only one I most sympathize with. It actually kind of distresses me how many people in the real world seemed to sympathize with Thanos when Infinity War came out. I'm worried just because overpopulation has been used to justify genocide in the past

Erich Bomke

Shang Chi's villain might be one of, it not the best villain to date in my opinion. Trying not to be prisoner of the moment, but I can't think of anyone else more fleshed out in 2 hours in the MCU.


Mysterio's just trying to be a hero without doing the work, I get that.


I actually think Wenwu from Shang-Chi is the most sympathetic for, but Killmonger is a close second


I might pick Baron Zimo, but again his methods for retribution/vengeance aren't very cool.


Vulture, he mainly wanted to keep his family happy, so out of anger, he decides to take any technology from the aftermath of superhero battles to create weapons to sell.

Conner Simpkins

Killmonger, close second is Wenwu.


Clearly, the most sympathetic villain is non other than THE Trevor Slattery. I mean, it was the role of a lifetime! How could he say no?


As funny as "Ultron because he spent 5 mins on the internet & decided to wipe out humanity" is, it's Ghost or Zemo. Neither wanted to kill everyone or control everything. They never sought power beyond what they needed to end the pain/end the Avengers after they suffered incredible loss. They didn't seek to inflict their will on the rest of the population, who were just sometimes in the way to them.


Killmonger by far. What he went through on a human level is easier to sympathize with, and I think out of all villains his origin hinges on a What If scenario, such as what if T'Chaza took him to Wakanda instead of leaving him to find his dead dad.


I don't want to spoil anything but it's definitely Wenwu no question

Timothy McNerney

Killmonger pulled a palpatine on the MCU

Erwin Rogier

Ghost from Ant-Man and the Wasp for me. She was in constant horrible pain since she was a little girl because of the actions of others, she just wanted to have a normal life, and she was convinced to find another way to survive at the end of the film, without killing Janet. Also i'm pretty sure she didnt kill any innocents, only the people that Shield/Hydra asked her to kill when she was recruited, but I can't remember for sure. If that's the case, she probably has less blood on her hands than some Avengers.


Baron Zemo. He had the conviction -and guts- with no super powers, to break up the Avengers from the inside, by knowing their secrects and having clear knowledge of the danger that gods, super soldiers, enhanced/skilled people could do to normal citizens without supervision of governments and laws. He tried to put them under the law and upper control for them to be responsible for their actions, even though they were saving the world. Also he has personal revenge for his family decimation due to Avengers' acts.


Killian- Every nerds dream. Make a serum that makes you handsome and buff, Steal the girl of the guy who humiliated you, and also beat up said guy for humiliating you. Everything else he does makes me dislike the character but I understand his actions above.


I personally feel my one is a spoiler so I won’t say it but I’m just glad no one said Red Skull

Darryl John Dodo Tait

Honestly all these what if episode are shit I don't like any of them


boohoo, maybe one day people like you will realize it takes effort to LEARN how to enjoy something. What a sad world you must live in


Thanos, fuck half the universe


Xu Wenwu. I won't spoil for people that haven't seen Shang Chi yet but what he wanted was completely understandable and relatable.


Baron Zemo. We don't need no stinkin' supers.


I can understand why Killmonger wanted to share wakanda's resources with the outside world.... he just did a lot of horrible shit in the process


MCU movie villain Ghost 👻 MCU villain daisy’s father both very sad and relatable.


Wenwu. I understood Killmonger at the start, but he went too far out of revenge. Wenwu was motivated by love.


I really like Vulture from Homecoming a lot. The government fucked him over so now he stealthily steals from it. And actually not that bad of a guy. (He did kill shocker and didn't even hesitate tho)


I'm gonna have to go with Malekith the fucking Dark Elf. After the last year we've had, who doesn't want to send Earth into darkness or whatever weird shit he was doing

Joel S

He thought he shot Shocker with a gravity gun, but yeah when he died he didnt seem to care.


He wanted to make the universe dark again, like how it was when he was born.


Malekith, he just wanted some peace and quiet.


Blood for Blood just leads down a very sticky path.


This poll is too easy: Howard the Duck.


Loki when in his show


Wenvu and Ghost


Kilgrave, I don't agree with his methods of course, but I can sympathise with how much of a crappy upbringing he had which twisted him into what he is in Jessica Jones. He's menacing and sadistic, but that brief moment where Jessica coerces him into saving those hostages gives him and us a glimmer of what he could have been had his parents not made him a lab-rat.


yellowjacket because I also like money


Zemo. He was driven by vengeance for his murdered family due to the Avengers actions, and also the terrifying power that people like Rogers wield.


The definition of sympathize is 'agree with a sentiment or opinion'. I understand Thanos the most. I sympathize with Killmonger the most.


Please tell Calvin I think his Jeff Bridges impression is amazing😂


But probably either Vulture or Ultron

Scott Hadden Jnr

When your defined options are a radical black supremacist or a genocidal maniac, literally every other villain has a more sympathetic motivation by comparison.


I cant choose between Zemo, Ghost, or Shang-Chi’s father


Loki. He only wanted to be treated equally by Odin. He didn't know where he belonged until he finally accepted Thor, Frigga and Odin as his family when Asgard got destroyed and Thanos killed half of the Asgardians and threatened to also kill Thor.

Bunny Norris

I definitely understand Killmonger as an Indigenous-mixed person that grew up with a white-passing family. As (at 38) I started to connect to the indigenous community and how Treaties are being routinely broken and how many reservations don’t have clean drinking water. Or how on the oldest woman of one woman’s family is her aunt at 50 because the water they have to bathe in and cook with is so polluted they have all died of cancer.


I still think Zemo in Civil War was one of if not the best MCU villain I didn’t think he was right but I could sympathize with what happened with his family and why he was upset with the Avengers and in the end he did end up succeeding when he tore apart the avengers.

Shak Vids

Definitely Ghost or Zemo for me. Both are just desperately trying to ease the pain they're in. Ghost is a chronic pain sufferer willing to hurt others to get her next quantum fix. The relief in jer performance at the end is palpable. Zemo thinks vengeance against the Avengers will ease his grief. But in the end of Civil War, despite succeeding, he's still suicidal. Revenge doesn't ease his pain.


Uh…..they made an entire series out of it. The answer is Loki!


The answer is Dormammu poor guy was just super hungry and wanted to eat We've all been there