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Do you think The Watcher will eventually interfere in this season of What If...?

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Depends on why he feels he "must not interfere," but I think he will, especially after his increased presence in this episode.

Jordan Malloy

I’m so confident that he’s gonna interfere, that I’m willing to bet all of your money.


I will say no unless a huge universe ending threat appears


Either he interferes in the Finale or not at all at least in show. If they cast him in live-action will most definetly happen (hopefully him vs. Galactus like in the comics).

Theblackblur Clubfoot27

I believe he will interfere maybe in like near finale where big avengers battle will take place. But I'm suggesting it will come sooner or later. I really enjoyed this episode.


It's the Chekhov's gun principle. They showed us a beign capable of doing it, they have to at least show him trying to interfere at some point.


I think that squid thing has a big part to play in the future and may be the reason the watcher interferes.


I love the Watcher, he’s really interesting. I would love to see more. But I wander what the consequences would be if he did interfere. Would that lead to yet another instance of the multiverse breaking.

Jack Kelly

He'll probably intervene to stop an incredible threat like in the comics. His very first appearance was helping the fantastic 4 stop Galactus

Darth Kal-El (Cory Weston)

No. He will not. It goes against who he is as a character. Also with season 2 coming it wouldn’t make sense for him to interfere.


They are bringing it up a lot for them to not do it. I’m thinking it’ll be for a Kang type threat.


Not interfere but maybe guide certain people together in episode 10 and season 2 Of What If will see the formation of the Illuminti of time

Jerick E

Even just the line from the trailer of him saying "and I cannot, and will not interfere" therefor implying that something really big and drastic will have to occur that eventually pushes his hand to interfere, and this episode is the first indication that our heroes can actually interact with him...


I believe he will only interfere if the actions in one universe effects others has well

Chance's House Of Horror

Not in the show but he will definitely come into play in the a live action movie eventually.

Brandon Brenlla

The Watcher interferes all the time in the comics. So I’m willing to bet he will here


I do not know. There were some shots in the trailer that lead me to believe that some characters from what we now know are from different stories interacting, but I don't think that necessarily means The Watcher interferes. Part of me thinks it would be more interesting if that was happening because of the other events we've seen messing with reality (Wanda becoming The Scarlet Witch, Sylvie killing He Who Remains, whatever the hell Spidey and Strange do in No Way Home) However sometimes the simplest answer is just the answer, we will see.


No never he's a good boy that follows rules


Of course. It's basic storytelling. He's Chekhov's peeping Tom. Then again...it might be so obvious that they decide to do the opposite. Now I have no idea!


It seems like each episode we’re getting more of him he went from only really talking in the first episode to seeing him more and now in this episode he even addressed the camera and interacted with the characters so I do think he’ll eventually interfere

Kevin Bartelen

He says he's unable, I trust he is.

Minseok Kim

I think he'll interfere in every episode

Jack Kelly

His original appearance was him breaking his rule and helping the Fantastic 4 defeat Galactus


I hope he does but it may get him trouble with the other watchers.


would be good for the season finale for sure, and id love to see it, but it still feels like it could go either way for now


I think that if he interferes it is like breaking his prime directive. If he does I believe that there is a “harbinger” essence that he brings. This season has shown us comic correlation that we never thought we would seem in the MCU. Good job Feige


I think he will but maybe in either the penultimate or last episode as a kind of big ending kind of deal. He’ll probably start interacting more and more leading up to said interference.


Imagine if the the finale was called what if the watcher interfered


While I believe the watcher will interfere eventually, I don't think it will happen this season. I suspect the most that will happen is that he starts questioning his policy of non-interference. Probably something will happen in the finale that causes him to look in on previous universes and resolve to help them next season.


I'm not entirely sure, but I hope he won't. It obviously has a reason why he's not allowed to interfere, and that to me would finally be a godly being doing its job. Another thought I just got: Maybe he actually can't interfere, even if he wants to (unless the universe can't be saved, like in this episode).

Red Claw

He will form the Avengers of the Multiverse to stop Dr Armani from destroying other Universes. He'll be the Nick Fury of the Multiverse.


I think he will when the event gets to strong for him to control it or to stop it.


I think it'll get to the point where all, or most of these universe's events pan out so drastically, that he'll have to interfere to make it all right. He also just could not interfere, which I'm sure we all wouldn't mind, either way.


I think he’ll try to interfere when things get crazy but won’t be able to control it, and it breaks out , making the events of Loki even worse.

Andreas Froby

If he not interfere when a universe is destroy why would interfere ever. I guess destruction of the multiverse is bigger so maybe if that is what happening.

Andreas Froby

*multiverse threat would I say. He just saw a huge universe ending threat and let it happen


He always does sooner or later, (comics, video games, now shows) he's kind of a hypocrite that way.


I feel like the shows gonna end Season 1 with The Watcher interfering and they use that to introduce The Living Tribunal.


Uatu the Watcher, the Watcher assigned to Earth, has interfered with events 337 times according to the comics. I would stake money on him getting involved eventually.


In the comics, The Watcher is put on trial by his people for all the times he does interfere. His reasoning is that all the time he spent watching the emotion and actions of humanity drove him to desire that same agency.


He definitely can intervene if he wanted too, he just doesn't, but it's not on account of any other restriction than a set of ethics enacted by his kind. The only thing that keeps him from taking action is literally just his word, and at least in the comics, he's pretty bad at keeping it.


Not sure about the Living Tribunal yet since the MCU Multiverse was just established and it's probably a bit early in the meta narrative to employ that sort of ultimate judge, but if they're going to do it this would probably be the series for it.


He kinda interfered in this one. Even though it was just talking to Strange, it was a direct interaction with the thing he is supposed to only observe. Also loved the sequence of Steven consuming all the different entities


What if... The Watcher Interfered?


He did say that he does, can not, will not interfere and he wouldn’t when Strange destroyed the universe, what more horrifying event could possibly happen for him to interfere? It’s why I think if he did interfere it would actually be something small scale and on the more trivial side. Something he could justify to himself as not having broken his own code. Maybe something innocent and wholesome that actually touches him on an emotional level perhaps?


Same as the eternals, the watcher has rules to, but it is still uncertain if this is the same watcher every time, who knows it is not the same every time, they could have the same voice, and who restrains the watcher of not interfering?, I have much questions unanswered

Chase Gardner

What if.... yes to bring in the X-Men into the MCU future movies!


The Watcher is only supposed to watch a planet and not interfere with that planet's events. In this case, the planet he was watching, along with the rest of that universe, was destroyed, making his interference or non-interference irrelevant. since there is nothing that can be altered on that planet anymore. He only interacted with Strange directly once everything else was gone, and since talking to Strange at that time no longer had the possibility to stop or change anything, he didn't actually interfere.


Eventually, perhaps... But the question specifically asked if the Watcher would interfere "in this season", and I don't think he'll interfere THIS season.


I don't think he will interfere in this series, he seems to be very certain that interference leads to destruction. I think it could be interesting to have him interact with the Sacred timeline Dr. Strange after the stunts he apparently pulls in the Spider man trailer, messing with the fabric of the multiverse, I actually think he will show up either in the Spider Man movie or the Dr. Strange Multiverse of Madness Movie, but I don't think we'll see him interact directly with any of the What If's

Bunny Norris

I think he will because in this episode he chose not to intervene because it would put the other Universes in danger. So when all of the Universes are in trouble that's when The Watcher will step in.


I don't think the watcher will interfere in this show, but maybe in some later shows or movie tying into our universes canon


If he didn't intervene to prevent an entire universe from collapsing, what should make him intervene at all? Maybe he'll show up in a Movie and prevent the Multiverse from collapsing but everything less than that, doesn't make sense to me.


According to the observer effect in physics he's already interfering merely by watching.


In this particular instance though, if he interfered to stop Dr Strange from destroying his universe, he could be jeopardizing other universes and timelines by saving this one, so by allowing one universe to be destroyed the rest are potentially spared. It was the right move, he even kind of alludes to as much in some of the dialogue, since if Dark Strange on his quest for power couldn't get enough from just his own universe but was able to stop it's destruction, do you really think he'd have stopped?


What if... the watcher has already interfered but we (the audience) don’t know it yet?


Unfortunately the trailer spoiled the answer


Originally, I was strongly saw this series as an unconnected anthological thing where all of them were separated from each other and he was going to be just the guide. Until this episode where he interacting with one of the people involved.


I don't think he will, he seems pretty adamant about not interfering, it's kind of his whole thing. Btw, we just saw him let a whole universe collapse! When would he interfere if not then!?


I would like it more if the Watcher didn't interfere at all in the season and give an important lesson to the heroes and the viewers watching this show that actions have consequences and there won't always be someone to clean it up/fix it and sometimes you have to solve your own problems. Alternatively, they could just go the tv trope way and have him interfere, but only to an extent. For example, he may have to interfere to stop some powerful creature/god, but he only shows them a way of how to defeat the god, but it is entirely up to them to destroy it or not. Those last few minutes where he was speaking to Strange means it is most likely he will not intervene, unless an infinite amount of universes are collapsing.


From the little i've seen of the watcher what i know the most is that he's fickle


Having The Watcher interfere feels like an easy cop out and it opens a can of worms every time something happens and he DOESN'T interfere.


I hope they mess with our interpretation of what it means for a watcher to interfere. Like, he is actively interfering in these shows, but won't interfere with the plans dictating his actions until he realizes they are nefarious or the the one directing him is.


It seems like throughout the season so far we've been getting more and more of The Watcher's presence. Seeing him talk to main characters now really broke the barrier we thought he wouldn't break. So I think very soon in the next 2 to 3 episodes we're going to see him actually become a part of these multiversal stories. What will it be that makes him interfere physically? My bet is on Kang and the multiversal war


i think he may get more speaking time in the episode and interact more with the characters but i don’t think he’ll interfere


Just noticed... comments are at 68. Time to fix that!