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Which Legend is most likely dead for good?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/legends-of-tomorrow-6x14-full/



I don’t want any of them to die so I’m going to say Snart


I know but I won't tell because spoilers


Although I believe that all will come back to some degree, John is the most likely to come back only for a moment of redemption until he is once again killed off by something.


rory that is all I will say

Kevin Bartelen

I don't think Spooner and Constantine are dead forever because, based on what happened I can't see one going without the other and I don't think they're ready to write them both out. As for Rory, if he's dead then he died a hero (sort of), like Snart and he's also been on the show since season one so his actor would have the most reason to leave if that's what's going on. I hope they all make it though.


Constantine had it coming, and I doubt Spooner will die in her first season, but was suprised by Mick's "death".


I think good ol' Johnny has ran out of lives.




I really don't want any of them to die, but I feel like it'll be John. And even though he's been a bit too power-absorbed recently, I still liked him overall. Again, I truly don't want anyone to die, but I don't think ol' Johnny boy will live to cast his next spell. I have high hopes, but we'll have to wait and see.


spoiler much? Blind Wave doesn't watch the promos, and they read poll comments before watching the episode.


lol why would you spoil it then yourself? Please delete your comment.


Even though I love Constantine, I kinda hope his death sticks or at least we move on from him. The last three seasons have been based around hellish and magical stories with him mostly in the center-point and as much as I don't mind that, getting Constantine out of the picture might move the future stories to another place.


Mick Rory, only 1 original is left technically speaking Sarah is an original but also a clone so they already killed her, so with that loophole in place Mick Rory.


Probably John, if nothing else than the fact that I'm pretty sure HBO is moving forward with a Justice League Dark situation and you kind of need John Constantine for that.

Jeff Knapp

I vote none of the above I think they all live, one or two may leave the show but I don't think they die.


Fucking god dammit, no, to all options ever


Spooner because i don’t know how they’ll be able to fix everything that happened. It’s like the John Constantine timeline problem from season 4 but bigger


For right now John looks the most dead, but I dont think they'll keep him dead for too long. Mick sure looks like his whole face was blown off, but I'm sure hes A-Okay


Constantine's death scene looked more permanent and meaningful with his final words to Astra. However, Mick and Spooner's "deaths" seemed more open and uncertain. I think Mick will survive and go off to raise his tentacle babies, Spooner will survive, but have lost her powers, and remain with her mother, and John will be reborn as a mushroom Edit: currently watching the guys reacting to the finale, heard them read out my comment, and realised that even though my "John being reborn as a mushroom" thing was a joke, I actually predicted correctly XD