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After getting to know all 4 forces, which is your favorite?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-flash-7x10-full/



Power wise the still force but i do like the actor that plays Bashir


I just find the idea of an antagonistic Speed Force an extremely interesting idea, so Nora


Nora! She should like fry all those fools like a 'Sith Force' that she is!!! She should choose Hunter as her avatar, we should rename the show to "Zoom", Zoom will rip out Kramer's spine, spring Frost from the prison, and have himself a ménage à trois with Frost and Caity......it's gonna be better than what I just watched, so why not?!)


Nora will always be my favorite but I really like Deon.


Nora, but I still laugh at her mindset. "Still force, Barry wouldn't help me kill you, so for his betrayal I want you to help me kill him!"


Basing it off characters I think Strength force is the best


neither I think there all equally as boring. Where’s the compelling character’s like bloodwork, reverse flash, & zoom

Procraft inatorz

Sage force was surprisingly awesome this episode. He brought a lot of charm to the character that I swear wasn’t there until this episode.


My favorite is the Time Force that's hopefully moving us towards the end of this storyline...


Bashir. He is funny and HIS powers are really cool.


The only reason I picked Alexa is because I really want someone to say “WE HAVE A FUERZA!!”

Doby Greg

Bashir has great delivery when out of the mask. The speedforce as a crazy chick make it less interesting. Alexa has good backstory but gets emotional to often. Deon is one note and poorly acted.

rickie woodson

same as before they came to the show: SAGE! psychic powers are the best powers! right up there with sorcery!


Nora's a bitch. Deon's entertaining, and didn't really have a choice to side with Nora. Bashir's also entertaining, and I actually really like him, as a, what is he? An anti-hero? We'll go with non-villain for now. And Alexa is just your typical chick, nothing crazy to say about her. Between Deon and Bashir for me. I'll say Bashir.


Bashir - Snarky funny antagonist we have to team up with. Deon - Angsty angry young adult. Alexa - Generic character trying to overcome her circumstances. Nora - Supposed ally turned big bad of the season. It's the four Cliche Forces


Bashir by far. The whole season is super uninteresting for me. I might be enjoying Batwoman more...there, I said it!

Stephen Nadeau

This "Forces" story line is going to be ending next week. So maybe you'll like the next story line better.


Close call because I think Deon is cool but I think bashire has the best costume and is the funniest


This is so far the worse arc in the series.. :(


I've been enjoying each of them. I like Deon for the nostalgia trip to the past, Bashir's interaction with Alexa really felt like a brother and sister just picking on each other which was great. Nora's been a bit different. If she goes evil does this mean Thawn's negative speed force was actually a source of good?

Matt Modlinski

my choice wasn't available - the negative speed force


Nora is a good villain, even though the writing in this season isnt particularly the best in my opinion I still think it is a good concept and I'm interested to see how they will resolve all this. Also having Michelle Harrison in more episodes is a big plus


I voted for Nora because she went crazy bitch so fast and so over the top with emo-black villain makeover that it is as entertaining to watch as it is silly. BRING ON THE LIGHTNING!


I like Alexa the most because she feels like the most real person and I can sympathise alot. Also she looks like Nicole Bass when she transforms. I do kinda love that Bashir is just a little asshole though. "YOU'RE not that simple"


I really like Alexa because she feels the most 3 dimensional of all of them? This whole plot is honestly so silly and I'm having a hard time enjoying it sometimes. Your reactions literally reminded me that I had missed this week's episode live :/


I like the still force, the actor is really good and his first episode was my favorite of the season so far. Plus him activating his powers reminds me of power rangers time force