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Do you think Kara and Lena will be in a romantic relationship by the end of the season?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/supergirl-6x07-full/



They probably won't but I want them to be


Of they are not together by the end of the show i will stop watching the show #SUPERCORP


Probably not, but I can dream goddammit


they will because its the CW


I could see it happening as they is some chemistry between them but I don’t think they will be in relationship


Haven't watched your reaction but it feels like this question was a joke. Yes they have a strong relationship, but I dont see them being a couple, not against it, but I doubt it.

Kevin Bartelen

I can't see it, neither of them have shown any signs that they might be into girls, and both have dated men.




I wish but I doubt they'd have the guts. There'll just be another lame asshole romantic interest.

rickie woodson

they should have gotten together ages ago. if they pull a korra on me...........F THIS SHOW


It would be so dumb and so forced if they were a couple they’re clearly straight and should be allowed to be best friends they already have the lesbian couple with alex


I would not call it forced all Kara relationship with guys have been forced. Her and Lena storylines has been going on since season or season 3 somewhere in that line.


Don’t think so and I hope not I never enjoy it when on the last episode they get the two characters get together it always feels like the writers want it to happen but don’t want to write it


i don't think so, but i don't mind if they would be.


At this point if they do it will end up as a Korra and Asami situation where they hold hands at the very end and call it enough. Unlike korrasami though, they probably won't have any spin-off comics to expand on it :/


There has literally been every parrellel that you can think of with them, and Clark and Lois relasionship in various different mediums. If it doesn’t happen, it would be one of the most blatant queer batings yet. (But who are we kidding it’s the CW, queerbating is excactly what it is)


Hey I guy can dream right, SUPERCORP!!!!!!


I'm not one to discriminate, nor am I one to ship anyone, but this question sounds like it should belong in Batwoman. God knows how many lesbian relationships they've had lol... But honestly, what would it hurt to give Supergirl another one? To hell with it! Sure, why not?