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Do you think Karli Morgenthau will be alive by the end of the season?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-falcon-and-the-winter-soldier-1x05-full/



I think she will die for her cuase and because of that sam will help stop the vote

Jordan Malloy

Sam’s a good man. My bet is that Captain Sam & Bucky are gonna beat her and put her in The Raft. And let’s be real, they’re not gonna throw away Erin Kellyman. She’s a talented, young actress, who can show up again later on.


Falcon/ the new Captain America is going to show her the error of her ways just like Steve would have done.


I don’t think the show would be willing to kill off a teenage girl even if she was a villain. It’s still a Disney show at the end of the day.

Isaiah Cox

Nah she is definitely dying she has killed too many innocent people and she’s only getting worse.


Cmon guys she’s clearly mephisto so she has to make it out alive


I think she will die but it will not be Sam or Bucky killing her


I think sam is going to talk her to being goodish, but john will come and kill her and then they will have a final fight. John lied to lemars parents amd that is unresolved


I think Karli lives but only because Walker will have a change of heart and save her life before walker dies


I think Sharon carter is a skrull but hey that's just a theory

Doby Greg



She's going to jail


I think she’ll probably die because she seems like the type to die for her own cause


She seems like a tragic character. Karli dying would make her a martyr for millions around the world and increase potential threats for such a big movement, which will lead to the worldwide governments finally giving into the Flag Smashers demands bit by bit.


Boy I hope so...


She will live cause Sam doesn't go round murdering... named characters (those helicopters pilots from ep 1 are definitely dead)


I'd rather see her humbled by Sam's unwavering mercy tbh.

rickie woodson

they kill their villains a lot so..........sure. but also john got one murder on his ledger, dont know if marvel would give him 2. maybe be pushing the envelope of his likeability factor cause he's obvi anti-hero status now and will be on dark avengers of thunderbolts (these projects havent been announced just nerd speculation since other players of those two teams have been in this show/ep)


I believe because they mentioned the raft she will live and be arrested being brought to justice by Falcon the way Walker failed to with the others. Its feels like Sam wont kill her. That is his way


I hope that she lives, but chances are that Walker might actually kill her if given the opportunity.


Good character, I just don't like her. I like Walker more. Yes. I said it


I think she'll die, would say live however with the Power Broker still in the background (seems like she's the one who spoke to John Walker) I cant see her making it out of the last episode.


She'll be alive, Bucky made that clear.

Aura Y

I think it's tough to say. I can see it going both ways. I can see it being Sam's first major act as the new Cap saving her from Walker. But I can also see this being a lesson for Sam that "you can't save everyone". I think it's more fitting that Sam saves her and imprisons her.

Darth Skhorrn

If Sam and Bucky don't kill her, then either Sharon, Zemo, or Walker will. Her best chance of survival is if Valentina gets her and then experiments on her.


COMPLETELY unrelated, but how cool would it be if Bucky and Sam became brothers in law.

Blackest Hippy

how did not one QnA mention that valentina was madame hydra smh

Kevin Bartelen

Sam and Bucky have been arguing with Zemo about that ever since they first broke him out of prison. I can't imagine after all that, Zemo would get his wish. She'll live.


I think she will reform and join the Young Avengers with Tommy and Billy from Wandavision featuring Katie from the upcoming Hawkeye series. I might be drunk but I know what I’m talking about


She will live and inherit the mantle: Captain Blip.


She should die, I hope she will (by John's hand), but she probably won't........


Calling a team-change, followed by a self sacrifice.


Karli survives, but is imprisoned. That way they have the option of bringing her back if they want to or not.


I can't see her ending the season still free, and it's a stronger ending if she dies instead of getting arrested


She will live, be sent to the Raft, and Zemo will kill her in the after credits.

Jeanette C

I think that Sam will try to save her, but she'll be killed because of Walker or the Power Broker's people


I think she will get killed by zemo, power broker or someone else


Sam will save her, solidifying his place as the new Cap. But in a post-credit scene, Power Broker is 100% confirmed, killing Karli while in custody. Thereby setting up nicely for the next Season/ New Cap Movie.


When you think about it, Karli isn't much different from Osama bin laden. A person who thinks they're right, but are willing to resort to terrorism to fight for it.

Andrew Courtney

She will live and be part of future MCU I believe. Also what if Sharon isn’t Sharon....Cue Talbot shouting “It’s that damn mask again!!!!!”


I honestly am clueless. I chose that she'll be alive, but it's honestly 50/50 for me at this point. Her character is interesting enough to keep alive, so that's why I'm pretty split.


I agree with Aaron that Sam and Bucky will do their utmost to save Karli, but something at the last minute will end up killing her. Whether that ends up being Walker, Power Broker, or whatever. She might even become a martyr!

Chase Gardner

Karli will be alive and start the dark/evil avengers team with John walker.

Bunny Norris

I think Crap💩tain America will take out the remaining Super Soldiers and several regular Flag Smashers before beating Karli to near death only to be stopped by the true Captain America. I think she’ll be imprisoned only to be secretly taken by the Power Broker.


I believe she will live, but John Walker will die.

János Szabó


Red Claw

The show would not make Zemo being right about Karli!

Scott Hadden Jnr

I don't see how she could be allowed to live beyond the season. She consciously chose to bomb buildings knowing there were innocent people inside, even the guy who was with her when she did that did a double-take.


I miss Talbot…😢 I hate AIDA and Hale for taking his mind from him.


Marvel seems to be learning and are not killing off their villains. So she’ll most likely survive, especially since she’s not evil like most of the ones that were killed.


Karli die, Sam sad, buck angry, walker on the run and angry. Happiness is restored because boat is fixed and boat is new avenger.


I think Karli will probably be killed by Walker and her death will be used as a Martyr for more people to join her cause. So her death could probably trigger a second season.

Aaron Sheppard

I think she will die mainly because she doesn't have unwavering support of her closest followers so she might even be killed by her own people. however the world cannot have all those super soldiers still running around after she's gone. I think that maybe, just maybe ole Thunderbolt Ross might scoop the remaining super soldiers up for his power plus program and they become part of the thunderbolts.


I think she will die by her own hand as Zemo has been pretty accurate about Karli's radicalization, especially after she killed Battlestar in Episode 4. Accident or not, she didn't hesitate or show any remorse and was very nonchalant in her response when Batroc only agreed to join the Flag Smashers in order to kill The Falcon.


I see her turning good then at that moment John Walker kills her either accidentally or for revenge even if Karli didn't throw Lemar.


I think that John Walker will kill Karli, and Walker will be saved from consequences by Val and her mysterious organisation to reappear in some capacity as US Agent.


Her death will be the spark, the will light, that'll burn the world's nations down.....


Ye she's dead.


She will lose in the end, and could potentially be used like zemo in another arc within a marvel show


I'm more interested in whether or not Steve Rogers is dead. He is mentioned to be 'gone' a few times by Bucky and Sam during the season so far. Now the Black Widow movie originally should've been out before this series, so if they had a post credit scene showing this, that would add more meaning and themes to the series of legacy. But then Covid happened and schedules got shuffled around and delayed. The Contessa is also rumoured to be in Black Widow, so it's possible we should have already met her and known her plans and allegiances.


I'm hoping alive just because I want to see more Erin Kellyman in the MCU. That and like you said Zemo is usually right.

Reece Hart

I think they'll do the fake out where it looks like she's been killed but Contessa will have really captured her and started experimenting on her to try and get access to the super soldier serum.

Dylan Carpenter

I'd like to see Sam get through to her and have her either escape or surrender.

James Keong Sin Gen

I have a feeling the super soldier formula is too good to be true so there must be some sort of weakness such as maybe it will run out just as the fight is winding down and karli is convinced by sam to not go down the war path


I think as long as she doesn't manage to go through with this escalation of her methods she will be left alive. If she ends up killing multiple people during this attack she will probably be killed. The guy with the long hair in her group seems to be against extreme violence so he might be able to talk her down along with Sam.


Sam said it himself, he agrees with her. Just not how she's doing things. She'll be kept alive and he'll try to get the rest of the world to see her point of view.


I think one of the many points is this show is that physical strength isn't always the answer. Hence this is a problem a good man can solve that a perfect soldier can't. Sam will talk her down if he can.


I feel like Sam is going to save Karli from John, they will try to have one last conversation before a life threatening ultimatum is going to force Sam to kill her. Proving Zemo's point that there was no chance in saving her. However, her death and the reason why she chose to create the flag smashers (Combined with what he learned from Isaiah Bradley) will have an impression on how Sam portrays Captain America


The poll aside, I'd like to comment how refreshing it is to see a normal life montage in a Marvel title


Uncle Sam had a good rapport with her before Walker barged in the first time, so I think they'll find a way to reason with her again. Most of the other super soldier's die, and Karli is forced to see how destructive her current path is to the people she cares about... but Walker should get straight up deaded.