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Would you take the super soldier serum and why?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-falcon-and-the-winter-soldier-1x04-full/



In our world where there are no super humans i would 100% take it but not in the Marvel world just because there are already heroes who can do a better job then me


Anyone who says they wouldn’t take it is lying


I would take it, I know it could corrupt but at the same time I want powers


the syrum is valuable to not take it and sometimes the safest hands are your own. I would also rely on the people around me to keep me in check to not go off the rails lol.


I want abs


I would take it just so I can do a backflip off my house


yes so i can take all the groceries inside in one trip


I’d take it because honestly? It’d be pretty badass to be that powerful. But I’d probably end up using it for more mundane and boring stuff. Probably like lifting my fridge if something fell under it. Or just going to a basketball game and dunking on everyone.


I would take it in a heartbeat, if i was certain there were no side effects that would effect my personality


yes because I want superpowers. i’m a simple man


Personally I believe I’m a good enough person to think that the power wouldn’t corrupt who I am so I think I’d take it


I don’t do fighting so why would I need it


I would take it, and become a crime boss.


I would. I’m moving soon, would be great for all the heavy lifting.


With great power comes great responsibility and I really do not need more responsibilities.


I have chronic pain so hell yah I'd take it


I have a condition in my back that prevents me from doing pretty much any normal physical activity, because of that I'm not really strong and I'm always in danger of getting really hurt. So I would take it, to help me with that.


Of course. Working out is too hard.


i want to be a professional author so I don't really see how it'd be helpful


A thing I really enjoy doing is not dying so I think if I took it it would probably make me a target and therefore more likely to die thus ruining my mood


id take it cos im a piece of shit xD also, do we think walker's serum could mess him up and turn him into a new red skull?


What could go wrong?


I wouldn't for I know that I don't have the temperament and composure of Steve to be able to keep my emotions in check. I would definitely bash a dude with a shield too


I'd like to think I'm a good person, so I'd want to take it, but I'm no Steve Rogers.


Even though I try to be a good man, I know there's anger in me and it could go bad. So I would not take it.

Isaiah Cox

I’m definitely taking it I’m not passing up on free super powers.


Would I take it? Absolutely! (If it’s the older formula where you get a perfect body.) Should I take it? absolutely not! I’d probably accidentally break my phone several times over just to start.

Mack Place

I definitely would regardless of the risk. Superpowers are worth it imo


I’d take the one cap took solely to look as good as he did, I don’t even care about the powers just give me them sweet sweet abs


If you mean physically, no that was the old formula. This doesn’t change your body. If you mean just being a bad guy, I don’t think so. I think the government would switch Walker to black ops type stuff now. Especially, since he shouldn’t be able to show his face anymore.


I would take it so I could do more

Aura Y

If there was an actual super soldier serum, I think there's probably someone better suited than me who would deserve it. I'd probably try my best to do right with it, but you never know.

Matthew Cronin

I wouldn’t take it because then I wouldn’t be able to smoke weed

Reece Hart

No way, that sort of power corrupts. Steve as they're constantly pointing out was basically the only exception to that.


Who am I to lie. I'm a scrawny white dude who only weighs 100 pounds. I need a little super-soldier serum tbh

Jordan Malloy

Probably not. Sure, it would solve some problems, but it would just create new ones. Might as well just stay as I am.


I would take it, since I have a lot of health related issues I would treasure each and everyday that I could go out in the world strong and healthy and help those less fortunate. I know what it's like to struggle to be seen and heard due to my health conditions, so if I had the serum I'd never stop fighting to help people in need. Plus I'd be happy to know I won't break a toe or my head open every time I slip on the goddamn ice every winter!

Fajen Thygia

It's worth it just for the health benefits alone. You're more likely to survive a car crash, disease (ever seen a sick supersoldier? No?), most things.


I wouldn’t want to accidentally hurt someone. There would be no reason for me to take for my day to day life.


I'm no Steve Rogers, so no.


I mean who wouldn’t want to have super powers cmon now!


I'd take it but I wouldn't think I'd live as long as steve.


I’ll never be as good a person as Steve Rogers. I’ve got a very hot temper, but if I work hard to control it, I would try to do good with the serum. Plus I’m a string bean of a human being, having the serum would make life a lot easier.


That “overextended life” sounds pretty good.


no as I consider my self a fairly good person but we see how quickly it can change a man so I wouldn't want it to turn me into a monster


First, I'm sure there is someone more deserving than me who could use it. Second, I wouldn't want to be a lab rat. Finally, I have one protector puppy, two crazy cats, a katana and an Appa stuffie. I'm good.


🙋‍♂️Hail Mary prediction, The show ends with Walker captured by the Power Broker and he’s used to recreate the serum.


I wouldn't. Feels too much like cheating.

Doby Greg

Its superpowers. Of course I'd take it.


Nah im already built different it would be wasted on me


I wouldn't take it because I wouldnt want to risk it making me greedy for more or worse.

Kevin Bartelen

If I had it I could actually go out and help people like Steve did, so yeah I would.


Sure make bringing in the groceries easier.


I would not take it because I honestly don’t want it.

Anthia Grant

I wouldn't want to. Especially during PMS times where I already feel blood thirsty and aggressive. It's tempting, but not a good idea


I wouldn’t take it because it amplifies the dark side of a person and I don’t want to hurt anyone accidentally because of my bad personality.

Bunny Norris

No, because 99.9999% of the time I want to protect people, heal all their wounds, and give them hope. But there a moments -small as they may be- when my rage ignites and my grief consumes the darkness... I know in that very instant if I had the strength and power I would tear the world in two. Should my own heart ever break so too will all else crumble. So like Steve Rogers said, “No, I don’t think I will.” PS. How did y’all miss Walker’s I’m-totally-the-crazy-bad-guy-now head/neck twitching when he threw the shield into the concrete wall? 😂

Carel Diamond Jr

If I were in a world like the MCU, I would take it. There are just certain threats a gun can't protect you from in a world like that, so I'd rather be able to even the playing field, or at least thin the gap in power, in a situation like that.


It would be cool but I’m way too emotionally unstable to handle it. I’m far too impatient and have anger issues which the serum would just make worse.

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen #1

Yes, but it would have to be the original one that makes you ripped like Steve Rogers!. However, it would be fun to have super strength and agility while being a fat guy lol


I would be too scared to take it, I'm not heroic, im a good guy but I'm human, that power is not something i could handle at all, i would love to be stronger and have all the physical benefits of it but the mental stress i wouldn't be able to handle

Michelle Blkft

Not to get too dark but.. I’m 33 and my doctors don’t think I’ll see my mid thirties. I’m a single mom and my kids need me. I’m all they have. So, I would take it. ❤️🥰


I wouldn’t take it based on the fact I couldn’t live up to the goodness of scrawny Steve Rogers


I'd be more tempted to take the original serum, where you it makes you physically perfect as well. This new subtle version is less appealing to me, but I would at least hesitate if presented with the option.


One of my stronger traits is I'm very sarcastic so would taking the serum increase my sarcasm so much that no one would be able to stand being around me for more than 10 seconds? Also, yes I'd take the serum.


Listen, I'm moving next week and need to move a lot of heavy furniture so...yeah I think I got to take it. But for real, I think there are jobs to dangerous for normal people, and if I could help that way, I would. (Definitely wouldn't be a soldier though)


I honestly think I am steady and even enough to handle the serum. Plus I could stand to lose a few pounds 🤣


As far as we saw with Cap, there are no downsides


I would take it just to make everyday tasks slightly easier: not for good, not for evil, just for laziness.


I'm with Eric...if there were no expectations, maybe; but if someone expected me to do something after taking it, no thank you. Lazy and proud

Erich Bomke

No, purely because with my job and status, I feel I would waste what could potentially be something great. Me being able to carry all my groceries in one trip vs someone with a path like Steve. Its not even a question.

TinCan Cosmanaut

This is a silly question. People eat all kinds of crazy diets, work out, meditate, and looks for all sorts of vitamins, special herbs or oils just to add a tiny bit of extra points to this pile of soft flesh and bone.


Depending on if we all just came back from a blip, I would probably take it. Also, is Walker Homelander now??


YES!!! WHAT???

Julia 🍌

I would take it just because I have bad impulse control and wouldn't be able to help myself.....

Matthew Juttner

Asking comic characters fans if they would want the opportunity to be a hero, well this was a predictable poll


There is an unsaid, but implied "worthiness" factor to the serum it seems. Most who take it turn out horrible. It remains to be seen how it will affect Bucky, though there was an implication in episode 3 of some aggression issues once he's started a fight. As such, Cap was one of the rare who were worthy enough for the serum. Just as he was with Mijolnir. I do not think, therefore, that I am worthy of either, even though I aspire to be.


Yes, because strong


I would probably take it to easily get rid of anyone who annoys me 😅. Trouble is I'd get addicted to travelling down that dark path. Before long I'd be Anakin

Melody Dia

I'd take it, but only if it's this version. I'd like it if my appearance didn't change at all, that way I could act like I didn't take it. I'd then use it in really trivial ways, just to make life a little easier. But who knows, maybe knowing I had that strength would change my view on it, and I'd want to go out and use it for other people as well. If so, I'd def wear a disguise and have a secret identity, as people knowing I have this power would totally ruin my whole "making my life easier" thing.


Nope! The reason Steve Rogers got it right was because he had what it takes to handle/tame the power that comes with the serum. I don't think I am anywhere near as prepared or experienced to handle such power and hence why John Walker is going off rails now because of his issues and how he handles them


Of course I'd take it, and I would make the world bow to me. Bwahahahahahaha!


Nope he's not Homelander. He is a soldier who has seen and possible done heavy things in war for his country, but the mental trauma hasn't been resolved. now he's been thrust into the heavy role of Captain America.


As much as I would want to take it to help people. I know that I am not worthy. Likely destroy it similar to Zimo


Nah I have no use for enhanced physical ability and I’m in no position to fight any crime so the deal is essentially get a bit more well built at the possible huge cost of becoming a jerk so no


I would take the serum, it would make me smarter and make me life longer both those things sound good


I would. I trust my self to not abuse the power and make good use of it.


I would not risk becoming a test subject.


I would not, it deffinitly make emotional disbalance in life


Nah, call me when you got velocity x.


Maybe of it was like the one Steve had that made him buff, but if it doesn't change my appearance then I don't think I would.


I wouldn’t take it if it was the last one on Earth, but come on, having those physical characteristics would come in handy every now and again.


I may not take it, but I'd want people to know that I had the opportunity to, and live in fear of me in case I did take it

James Michael Morehouse

It’s complicated, in my younger days I might not have taken it, but after an injury...the idea of getting back to full strength of my prime is extremely tempting


Wouldn’t take it. Like Aaron, not a huge fan of injections. Got the covid vaccine but that’s where I draw the line! Hahahaha


I would take it because it's the only way to secure some degree of safety in a world starting to overflow with supervillains.

Kevin Johnsen

I have so many current health problems I would take it simply as a hope to cure the endless pain I am in. And while I am not remotely a good person, I have ZERO desire for power or fame. So I wouldn't be out in public causing problems.

Chaos T

No thanks. All the people, who didn't receive the original Captain America version of the serum, tend to turn crazy.

Sofie Lingsell

I would probably take it, I don't think it would affect me in a bad way since I feel like I have gone through loss and anger so many times already and has gotten though that. But I am not brave or particularly decisive so I would hesitate in how to use it in the best way.


To answer your question does Batman need the super soldier serum? That answer is my answer.


I'd for sure take the serum! It would be awesome to not be out of breath from climbing stairs.


Bale Batman universe, No. Current universe, Yes.

Ehrys V.

Dangerous side effects are probably going to be introduced in the coming episodes so no, I don't want to grow tentacles out my head and forget my last name.


I would be very tempted to take it but in the end, no. I would to try to find, if it was up to me, someone who really do right by it like Steve did and maybe someone like Sam.


I would not. As Zemo said in this episode: yes, it's true that Steve Rogers was never corrupted by the formula, and the power he gained. But there has never been another Steve Rogers. I don't want to take the chance that I could be the next one, when the odds are much higher that I could be the next Karli or John Walker instead.


if there was one left i would give it to my dog


I am a vain, selfish and thouroughly unlikeable creature... Who wants a stronger version of that?!


You're goddamn right I would!!!! Being skinny and strong would be dope.


Damn straight. But only if I know I can use it responsibly, which I do. Because we already know what irresponsibility looks like, especially when it comes to power. Red Skull, Loki, Thanos? The list is endless.


Hell No!! I'm lazy and have a poor view of humanity. If the world is lucky, I use my powers to play games and watch tv. If not, I end up a super villain trying to destroy the world.


We don't have a full understanding on the side effects of the super soldier serum, it seems shady to me that there is no downside. I would only take it if I absolutely had to.

Garrett Gee

I totally would, I want to make super blunts and drink beer super fast.

Ronja Greger

I would be too scared that my bad attributes might outweigh the good. Would probably keep it to give to someone more worthy, then never find someone I trust implicitly and end up destroying it.


I wouldn't take it. Strength doesn't come from the power you have, but the heart you have... Don't need powers to prove my worth!


I don’t care about the serum I JUST NEED A SOLO ZEMO MOVIE!


No way. With great power comes great responsibility and I don't want it!

David Brown

Ayo was not just in Civil War. She was Okoye's right hand in the Black Panther movie, fighting against Killmonger. And she was also in Infinity War.


The kid from Deadpool 2 said it himself, how many overweight superheroes have you seen? I’ll be the one to break the stereotype


Yes because I actually understand that with great power comes great responsibility...


No, because it isn't the kind of super power(s) that I'd want.

Jay Herbo

Yes because it would level the playing field with all the other super soldiers


I thought maybe I would take it, but with how frustrated I can get sometimes, definitely not. It would be a mess.


I would take it, if it enhances my true self I'll be a really strong and a super lazy guy. I would try to go out and fight crime but that usually goes poorly in shows and movies. I would help where i could in everyday things like move thing and help people in need.


I'll be honest, I'd probably take it and just use it to impress girls.

Turned 0FF

I’ll take it to live longer and just do a lot cool stuff lol.


I would want to take it, but I know that it would not be the right thing to do. That serum, in truth, should only go to a specific kind of person in the world, and I don't believe I am one of them. It can too easily corrupt the worst parts of someone. I would ultimately take it, but a strong part of me would always regret it knowing I was too weak to resist.


I would not take the serum because that way no one will start expecting things of me.


I'd take it, no hesitation. I'd want to use it the right way, but that wouldn't factor into the decision at all. Zemo's right, the serum can corrupt people pretty easily