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Would you like Barry to keep his speed-thinking if he could also keep his emotions?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-flash-7x02-full/



I definitely want him to keep it comic Barry has it and it’s so cool


It makes all the other characters (especially Cisco) pretty much useless, so no thanks


No because we already run into a problem of how people run away from him when he has superspeed? We don't want a version of that whith super thinking

John M

He was already smart, so if that was slightly heightened I think that’s fine. But speed thinking can quickly become the instant problem solver which would get boring quickly IMO


yes I would. Barry needs to grow more and is too dependent on his team. The speed thinking is a good way to start that, but don't use too much as things can easily get too easy.


It was so cool to see the way they portrayed it


I don’t want him to keep it . There are already instances were he loses people and he is super fast, so they’d probably find some weird reasons why his super thinking isn’t working . Don’t want him to be too OP.


I'm in the maybe camp, but I voted No because it made Cisco feel absolutely dumb and that is not the Cisco we know. To benefit one team member at the expense of others is never a good direction for a show like the Flash. All the team members need to feel like part of Team Flash. Also, I was getting very big "The Thinker" vibes with Barry and I was not liking it one bit.


It just makes Barry SUPER dominant over everyone. If he could just solve everything it would be pretty boring to the story.

Doby Greg

Most minor villains and even big ones like Cold or Grodd rely on planning to be a challenge. Barry prediction powers would destroy tension.

Jeanette C

I don't want him to keep it. Then he'd be able to figure everything out too easily


I would like to see Barry as being the smart one more often, since he IS a scientist but I think speed thinking would make things too easy. So I think a compromise between that and his emotions would be nice.


Speed thinking is cool, but too OP. Also, who wants a robot Barry?


Speed thinking is just too OP to function in a 40 minute tv series. If Barry could think make predictions that accurate and think of several scenarios at once he should be able to solve every problem in a instant. That is too hard to write around.


I agree with what Eric said. It's too OP and takes away creativity and importance from other characters. However, we should at least still see his regular intelligence because he is smart.


I like this storyline, was a nice change of pace but I can see how it can get old. However now I need Android Barry vs. The Terminator crossover.

Tucker Lobner

I've always wanted them to use Barry's intelligence more because I feel like that is something the show has rarely done, but I think his speed thinking in this episode was too op so I say I don't want him to keep it

Procraft inatorz

Barry has too many powers at this point. If they make him have speed thinking all the time then they have another reason to write Cisco and Caitlin out of the show. And I really don’t need that.




Feel like if he kept it, it would make a bunch of other characters redundant which would be meh. He's already quite smart isn't he? I think it's better without. Maybe a slight heighten? But nothing too much.


I want him to keep it, but I want him to eventually control it and balance his emotions while using it, and figure whether some options are worth it or not. And honestly, part of me kinda likes the evil, robotic, Stephen Hawking Flash.

Andrew Courtney

Eric’s right it would create too many plot issues because he could solve everything himself. They can’t even make him be self aware enough not to get randomly hit sometimes.


I do not think he should keep it mostly because it would make situations less impactful and villains would not be a issue. It would make a episode last 10 minutes or it would make aseason end in 5 episodes.


I want him to keep it to a certain extent.

Gavin Mcfadden

I mean he already has speed thinking or he wouldn’t be able to run and move around with slamming into things. But, yes he should keep a small bit of this version of speed thinking. He is an intelligent character (( as smart as the rest of the team even without his powers)) despite the show not often showing that. I think he should keep some speed thinking just to a much lesser degree than this.


Speed thinking IS an ability of the Flash. I have always just assumed that because the show needed a team and one of those team members’ job was to be a smart guy they had to nix it. However there is a difference between being able to think really fast and being smart. If I suddenly got speed thinking I would still be an idiot I would just be an idiot who thinks a lot faster than before.


Hmmmm. I really liked Spock Flash. It could be interesting story wise if he becomes an antagonist for an arc. But like Eric said, they will never keep speed thinking because writing around that would be a pain in the ass.

Rubi Moon

I want half and half 50% smarter 50% human.


I don't think he could really keep it, it would be hard to write around and would make other characters pretty unnecessary


Emotion are shackles unlock the omega Brain power. This is the only way,


I think a way they could keep this power without it being OP is make it so that the more he uses it the more his emotions fade. So if he only uses it once in a while as a last resort it won’t affect his emotions. Similar to flash-time, he only uses it in emergencies because it would be too stressful on his body to use it all the time.

Hunter R.

I am split I am just really undecided


I dont want him to keep it because the writers will have to keep coming up with reasons why he couldn't use it to solve every problem


I don't want him to keep it since it then makes Cisco and other smart characters skills away. I think this episode showed that Barry won't want that skill again.

Julia 🍌

I reaalllyyy would love for him to keep this power BUT Eric is absolutely right. They will write themselves into a corner in an episode and a half.


I don’t think they will let him keep it. Firstly, given it seems as though he’s destroyed the ASF and this was a side effect of that speed force and also from a writing POV having Barry being this smart defeats the purpose of characters like Cisco, Chester or Wells


Maybe a weaker version.

Chaos T

Isn't it canon in comics that he can think like this? The Flash should be overpowered.


It will only give situations like: "Why didn't he think his way out of this?". And we already have that with him and his speed/flash-time. So no, please don't keep it


Nah it just takes the importance from maybe wells who might be coming back? And Cisco who’s mainly there for him being the smart 1 and obviously comedy. Basically it just takes away from the team


He can already think in Flash-time and he's already a brilliant scientist that shouldn't always require his team to do all the problem solving for him. If this helps remind the writers that Barry already is supposed to be a quick-thinking genius, then maybe keep it.


The current iteration of his speed thinking is so powerful he can perceive the future. In terms of writing this is atrociously broken and disruptive of the balance of the show.


Unfortunately I've so bored to watch The Flash for the last 2 and half years... the only reason I keep with the show is bc of you guys... I've enjoyed like 5/10 min of each episode for those 2 and half seasons, so after the a full season I can say that I've enjoy 1-2 ep of each season


I want him to keep it, but at stage 1, not stage 3.


Nah it would make everything to easy. It would render the rest of team flash obsolete. Oh and that killer frost speedster scene was AWESOME


I feel like it backs the writers into a corner if Barry can predict everything that is going to happen. Though I would like it if Reverse Flash tries to get it. I was sort of hoping Barry would invent gideon with his hightened intelligence but guess not.


I think he’s gonna keep it cuz Nora once said that she read that grood couldn’t read his mine cuz he was a speedster


It's cool, but I feel like it could be one of those "why doesn't he do that all the time" things.


Didn't he always have speed thinking to a degree anyways? During the flash time episode is that not speed thinking/acting? He doesn't need to have that level of thought and calculating power. They'd write themselves into a hole.