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How do you think Coulson will return to the show?



I like Aaron's idea that we'll meet past Coulson but i think it will just be Another LMD they probably have his memory backed up somewhere


If they're going to the 90s, who's to say they don't pick up young-Coulsen for an episode or two


Honestly to me Coulson is the MCU equivalent of The Doctor, the plot just revolves around him.


He just survives the blast. As an LMD.

Aleph Sharp

I think he'll return like that hydra doctor we saw much earlier on, as a computer memory, possibly saved on something as he managed to transfer out just in time or they salvage his memory from the wreckage


I'm thinking we're going to see the real Coulson since he should be around at this point


I think he will return as an LMD. I also think they’ll replace all the people that died with LMD’s to preserve the timeline. Like Mac’s parents


He could get shot with a Judas bullet and brush ot off like Luke is the last jedi

Doby Greg

Mack salvage him.

Doug C

Real thing, but only in the final (or penultimate) episode.


I think he uploaded his conscience to the internet as an AI and he’ll be like Jarvis in the iron man movies or like zola in the computer


I suppose it's cheating that I saw the teaser at the end of the episode last night..... Let's just say Phil is..... '20 minutes into the future' .....if you get it, you might be an 80's kid..... or just good with Google ;-)


I think whenever we see Coulson from now on, it's gonna be through time, as I think the Chronicons are gonna try mess with his life.


I think he'll eventually return as an LMD. I'm going to assume that Coulson partially survived the blast (maybe even just his head). That way his mind can be transferred to a new body.


That’s a good theory. I wonder how well they can replace people if they don’t have their memories backed up?

Andrew Courtney

Real Coulson would be cool but he would lack all the knowledge to the point where we lost LMD Coulson. That would just be to detrimental to the team, so it’s gotta be some other way. I’d assume they just print and upload his memories to a new body but that’s too easy too. Just give me something cool and creative I guess.


Man, I haven't watched this show since season 2 or 3 and it sounds like shit got wild.


Damn well you missed the best season at 4, recommend checking it out, only takes the first episode for you to go damn

Dominic D

It'd interesting how a big theory when this show started on how Coulson was alive after Avengers was that he was an LMD, and here the last season has an LMD Coulson replacing him after his death. Since the team is getting closer to the present day, I wouldn't be surprised if they snagged him from the 90s or before the Avengers or something.


I could actually see them using real coulson, but they may use an LMD again. Its up in the air for me.


They’re going to get Coulson when he was alive in the 90’s. I’m guessing after the events of captain marvel.

James Keong Sin Gen

Hope to see the real coulson and even though timelines might not match, i hope they pluck the real coulson out of the timeline to help with a mission or something

Julia 🍌

I don't know why, but I think the crominomicoms will retrieve LMD Coulsons mind a make a new Coulson, to use him for their evil plan..

David Brown

Mack's parents were still alive in the original present day. They retired and moved away, but they were still alive. 3X14: Watchdogs (timestamps 2:40 & 13:55 & 34:31).


I voted "The Real Coulson" 'cause I hadn't thought of that before and I liked Aaron's idea, so I'd LIKE for it to happen. I thought, before he came up with that, that he won't return and that it would just be left open with the characters, May especially, saying that he'll come back someday.