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Is Jemma Jemma or is Jemma Not Jemma?



I think she is she but the thing in her neck might be some kind of a memory enhancer or a dampener to protect her from Chronicoms


Fitz somehow is hiding in that device and its messing with her head. I know I'm reaching


Jemma is Jemma but she isn’t acting like Jemma


Jemma but with some chronicom enhancments


I just think she has some sort of protection so the Chronicons can't read her mind or something. I still think it's Jemma

The Air Nation

I think she is either a full cronicon or at least very enhanced. Like the way she dismisses not seeing fitz or not saying how long its actually been is jarring.


I don't think it's Jemma, maybe it's a fake Jemma that doesn't know she's fake.


If she were an LMD, May wouldn't have been able to feel anything off of her last episode so I'm guessing Fitz & Enoch had to put some kind of chip in her neck that maybe blocked out certain information (like Fitz's whereabouts) so that if she were captured, the Chronicoms still wouldn't know anything. (I'm also semi convinced they've already had their baby and that she's staying safe with Fitz but that's for another time)


All I know is that she feels the feels, you know what I mean man?


Surely the only correct answer is that Jemma is Jemma because it’s physically impossible for Jemma not to be Jemma because Jemma IS Jemma.

Doby Greg

Not Jemma. Maybe we only 1 Fitz episode where we see him and Jemma growing old together and raising their kid(s).


I think it's Jemma mentally but not physically, I think she is a clone of the real Jemma. She wasn't given all of Jemma's memories and the device in her neck is supplying those memories and Enoch is some sort of relay to sustain those memories. So without Enoch around her memories started to degrade. She is 100% not an LMD though because May was able to get emotions from her.


I think she’s her, just not as we see her. We don’t know how long it’s been for her. She could be an old lady.


But how do we explain May being able to get emotions off of her then? Thats the thing that gives me pause with this theory.


I think it's her just way older than we think. I think there's some crazy sci-fi technology that makes her body young even though her mind is older. Although I definitely think we will have an episode that explains the vagueness of what she and Fitz possibly went through when they went with Enoch. Great reaction by the way. :-) <3


I think that chip in her neck, helps her hide memories so the chronicoms can't use her. However, a side effect might be she starts forgetting things as well

Daniel Sessions

My thought process is that it is Jemma, because making her a straight LMD would be too obvious, you what I mean? The writers are up to something and she's definitely not the 100% regular Jemma that I will agree to


May felt Jemma's emotions, so she is confirmed real. But it has got to be something to do with her memory completely being erased or she's being fed information maybe idk. But she is not an LMD

Kevin Bartelen

I don't think she can be an LMD because she didn't shut down from the EMP like Coulson did and Mae can also read emotions from her. I was thinking though that it might have something to do with Fitz, like maybe he's somehow inside her head or something.

Aleph Sharp

I think gemma has some ai tech, like possibly fitz is dead, and she's been lying, and hes gone all "Immortal digital entity" on simmons, and that is a link, which enok erased the memory of


I think it’s actually jemma but it’s probably a good idea to give her the voight kampff test just to be safe


Honestly,I don't know. I can't decide. The only thing I do know is that I am very interested to find out.

Ryan Witalison

My guess is that she is a clone of Jemma and the thing in her neck is Jemma’s brain scan or what ever so she knows what Jemma knows and acts like her as well, basically a copy of the original

Jordan Malloy

Obviously, Jemma's Jemma because only Jemma Jemmas.


1: Ba bababa ba? 2: Bababa. Thats a whole Filipino conversation about an elevator, your welcome.


I think Jemma is just like Eric said very old and that the Cromicons did something to her to let her live. More so I think the computer inside the Zephyr is actually somehow Fitz' mind or something like that


I think it's just a red herring to make us think she's an LMD. It looks like someone has put a tracker/ explosive in her neck.


I reckon the thing in her neck is preventing her from remembering crucial information that the chronicoms cannot find out about. Such as Fitz's location. In ep 1 of this season when they asked where Fitz was she said something along the lines of "i don't know... i can't know" Enok was probably supposed to be maintaining the device and due to his absence and also the EMP she detonated it has started to malfunction causing her to forget other information. So Jemma is Jemma, she just has a memory blocking implant


Jemma is someone else... something else.

Jeanette C

Not Jemma, but not an LMD. Maybe a clone with a memory chip?


Is Simmons without Fitz really Simmons?


I think it is Jemma but with some extra modifications or memory suppressor. Something along those lines.


She keeps repeating how important it is that she doesn’t see Fitz. We don’t know how long she was away from the group either. LMD?


I would have said LMD if May didn't pick up on Jemma's emotions last episode. May can't pick up on Coulson's since he's a LMD/Chronicom hybrid.


Finally caught up with S.H.I.E.L.D! I feel like there's some Chronicom funny business going on. However, I think it would be too obvious to have her be an LMD. The flashy lights on the back of her neck may indicate some brain/memory tampering though.