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Who will be the main person responsible for bringing those that died back to life?



The rabbit is our only hope. Charlie can assist it as it saves literally everyone


Charlie as she is the only person there who is actually a fate


Beebo, come on guys, he has infinite power. Just a manifestation of him in Crisis almost won

Walter Alcaraz

Charlie. Then she'll bang the steel out of Nate. It is his fate.

Doby Greg

Charlie tricks her sisters into using the loom to resurect them but also sacrifice herself so the loom can never be used again.


charlie will save them by decieving her sisters


Charlie, but the real question is who dies more Sarah or Sam & Dean from Supernatural?


Our lords and saviours Gary and Gary jnr 2

Kevin Bartelen

I think Charlie will somehow trick the other fates as she was asked to.


The power of LOVE!

Jeanette C

I think Charlie will trick her sisters into putting things back to normal


Charlie need to confront her sisters and win!

David Brown

Eric - Just FYI, the actress who plays Gideon (Amy Louise Pemberton) is credited with the main cast in the opening credits of every episode.


Beebo, obviously.


Because Zari is so motivated to want to save her brother, she might figure out a way to trick the Fates


I feel like Charlie will either trick or convince her sisters to bring back the legends, maybe they will see that it wasn't their time and weren't fated to die yet.


I think we’ll see a dark version of Charlie that does whatever’s necessary to earn her sisters trust, with the intention of stealing the loom and bringing our characters back